Search results

  1. Smiley D

    I Fail at Insufflation

    You obviously haven't tried ketamine. Post up after you've pulled yourself out of a thousand foot deep k hole. If you like pharms, rail a 40 of oxy and try to not feel it. And your blow is shit.
  2. Smiley D

    The Growers / Dealers accountant program

    Anybody that enters any info of that kind into some random program they found on a ganj forum is seriously naive. You're either a well meaning but misguided kid or a downright dumb narc. Not trying to be a negative nancy here but damn.....You've got to be like 15 or something. You'll realize...
  3. Smiley D

    another year same sad

    Greenhouse produces some decent genetics. However, their real talent is for marketing. Touting supposed mold resistance is a great idea, whether it's actually true or not. Most of the reviews I've read support the latter. Anyways, I'm running a bunch of their church outside this season...
  4. Smiley D

    When does 12/12 start outdoors?

    Happens. You already pulled girls down outside? Mind saying what?
  5. Smiley D

    When does 12/12 start outdoors?

    Kinda mixed it up there guy. June 21st was the summer solstice. Sep 22nd is fall equinox when we will see 12/12. OP, any comparative shortening of the light period will induce flowering hormones. Technically outdoor plants go into flower after the solstice.
  6. Smiley D

    Prices of Medical herbl okay, or, way too high?

    I'll send you a pm, don't care to discuss my travels in an open thread. I've heard of headband, yet to see it. Hoping to see some come back this way with friends after they finish trim work out west this fall. All nine coats? Not familiar with this, care to explain? Can't say I participated...
  7. Smiley D

    dirt or hydro?

    Someone find me a cup winning grower that does hydro. I can't argue efficiency/speed etc, but when looking for the utmost quality, dirt is still king.
  8. Smiley D

    Prices of Medical herbl okay, or, way too high?

    Like you too brah, along with the handful of people on this site that are legitimate. I've heard about negril, haven't been yet. I've spent some time in the tropics as well, nothing wrong with a little hard dope. Especially when it's cheap and pure as the driven snow. For some reason rick's...
  9. Smiley D

    Prices of Medical herbl okay, or, way too high?

    Sounds good, except I call the plays in my huddle too. I don't know about 20 a zip though. That would barely cover trimming costs. Especially when that help is hired in. Even my very close friends won't trim for just scissor hash knife hits anymore. The high cost supports a high quality...
  10. Smiley D

    Prices of Medical herbl okay, or, way too high?

    Okay, so you've been around. Sorry, but unfortunately because of the demographics of this site's patronage I've come to assume that most anyone posting here is probably not yet clear of high school, highly ignorant, or both.(hence my rambling comment and kind of coming off as a dick in my...
  11. Smiley D


    It's just a deformity. Ganj is prone to all sorts of little fuckups because we have worked the genetics so much.
  12. Smiley D

    Prices of Medical herbl okay, or, way too high?

    That was a tad rambling but here we go. Nothing is ever over-overpriced. The market sets the price. I think the $50 per 3.5 is a solid precedent and hope it stays there for a while. Medi users shunning black market ganj? Of course. They just want safe access to regulated, quality...
  13. Smiley D

    Specific question about DMT

    Don't smoke root. That's just silly. Needs to be extracted. You are going to kill yourself smoking roots. Many plants out there have roots packed full of toxins for defense.
  14. Smiley D

    another year same sad

    Termites in your area? Chop an effected plant near the base. Termites crawling out of a hollow stem? Maybe plant AIDS??
  15. Smiley D

    plot prepping... hole or bed...

    Deeper is better. Holes will require less frequent watering.
  16. Smiley D

    Spin/Mix. Mixing weed

    Having spent time around europeans, and without sounding xenophobic, the whole spliff, or spin, or whatever you call the concept is just plain wrong and should be stopped. Sure I'll enjoy a cig every now and then at the bar or wherever, and yes, they can be delicious. But the two substances...
  17. Smiley D

    A good and healthy soil mix for outdoors

    Lime that shit, and yes, you will want to use nutes.
  18. Smiley D

    Solo Guerilla Growing

    When I was a newb the night trips used to give me the fear a bit. I would just tell myself that aside from a rutting buck, there is nothing out here that wants to fuck with me. Now in your case, you have shit out there that might actually eat you. The fear would be constant and strong if I...
  19. Smiley D

    Got me a praying mantis ( pics)

    Unless you have some serious pest issues, that thing is going to starve.
  20. Smiley D

    Purple God's Gift Full Melt Hashish...

    I wouldn't with the stock screen in there. They sell extra fine screens for this application. I am definitely biased towards the knives though. And it does take some practice to get it right. Or wait for daylight and solar it over a fine screen, stainless of course. I admit I am a...