The Growers / Dealers accountant program


Okay well I realize I am new here and this is my first post,
the reason why I am posting here is to get some feedback about my soon to be released program and to ask of you some more features to add.

Basically the programs purpose will be the help keep track of sales, stock, profits and expenses, dates bought, when harvests should take place etc.

So far I have programmed in...
-Expenses and Profits calculator
-Contacts list showing dates purchased, phone number, name, and amount purchased
-Keep track of who owes you what and for when
-When you last purchased
-How much stock you still have
-How much you purchased for, and how much potential profit you can make
-Leave notes regarding to contacts, profits etc.
-Save all contacts and other details in a discreet fashion to be later loaded into the program

And im looking for some more features to be added, thats where you come in !

This program is going to be sold, and is going to have a license system included so you have a personal copy. It will cost anywhere between $3-$5, so almost nothing, and will have lifetime updates.

So if anybody has any ideas please email them to me at [email protected] or leave a post here!

thanks for taking a look!


Well-Known Member
how are you gonna predict profit when you dont know the different prices of bud in different areas, unless we input that.


That isnt a necessary feature, it is in there for convenience. If you get arrested they check your phone, they wouldnt go through encrypted documents on your computer in order to search for evidence.

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Anybody that enters any info of that kind into some random program they found on a ganj forum is seriously naive.

You're either a well meaning but misguided kid or a downright dumb narc.

Not trying to be a negative nancy here but damn.....You've got to be like 15 or something. You'll realize in a few years just how silly it was to be so enthralled with the drug culture, and that "dealing" is not so glamorous or "cool" as you thought.

Sorry for stopping into your thread to be a dick but this idea is just....not good, and doesn't really make sense...or cater to any existing need.


Well-Known Member
That isnt a necessary feature, it is in there for convenience. If you get arrested they check your phone, they wouldnt go through encrypted documents on your computer in order to search for evidence.
I'm not so sure. The police usually check computer files if they think they can find any evidence.


Active Member
Dealing is not a game that u can laugh and brag about... Ppl get Killed, Jailed and much more for this kind of hobby :)

Alot have fun and never have problem with it... its like tossing a coin so...