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  1. R

    'Legal Buds' anyone?

    salvia and k2 are the only ones that i know of that aren't bullshit. there was and is a push to make them illegal in a lot of states.
  2. R

    Growing a few plants in florida

    I'm pretty sure it's a felony big big trouble if caught.:wall: Check out and check state laws state by state i think the link is on the left hand side of the home page.
  3. R

    where can i find....

    it depends how stealth you want it. You could just make a frame out of 2x3 studs and make the walls out of black and white polly tarp. Something like that would be fine in a basement. But would look a little strange in your bedroom or living room. thats all I can come up with.
  4. R

    Harvest so that no spin is needed.

    sounds strange but ive heard of rolling with tobacco before its good if your a lightweight but it ruins the taste. just dry and cure and roll straight up bud. or just use a pip.
  5. R

    massachusetts question 2 passed!

    :peace:marijuana question 2 passed marijuana decriminilized!!! posesion under an ounce no longer a criminal offense!!! only punishable by a fine!!!:hump::joint::hump::mrgreen::hump:
  6. R

    Dear marley'man

    the kid is just being and idiot they had words in another forum about poppy seeds.
  7. R

    this bulb?

    i just got a 400 watt hps and mh system around 50,000 lumens for $160.00 or you could just get the hps system for $119.00. just go to ebay and do a search for 400 watt grow lights and look for htg supply (high tech garden supply). it comes with all the wires ballast hood and lamp. but if you...
  8. R

    Yes on #2

    one step closer hell yeah!!! vote yes on sensible marijuana legislation!!!!!!!!
  9. R

    who will send me seeds in the mail? bag seeds? anything?

    hell yeah i second that!!! i hope a moderater shuts this idiots thread down.
  10. R

    who will send me seeds in the mail? bag seeds? anything?

    ok buddy just send me your credit card numbers experation date etc. and ill send you some seeds. just post all your information and ill get you your seeds right away. you fool!!!
  11. R

    who will send me seeds in the mail? bag seeds? anything?

    i havent posted that much on this site but i have been reading quite a bit for a while now. i gotta say you have got to be one of the shadiest people on this site yet!!! you think im gonna send you seeds cuz you bought beer for some kids!!! your gonna tell me you cant afford seeds online but...
  12. R

    Swarm of tiny bastard flys..

    im no expert but it sounds like fungus nats they lay there eggs in the soil then the larvae hatch and feed on the roots sometime it can give a similar appearance to nute burn in the leaves and do some serious damage i had them from useing soil from wal-mart. there is something that you can put...
  13. R

    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    dam you got balls growing in that country i remember like 5 or 10 years a ago an american teen got caught steeling road signs there and got caned!!! with a big stick good luck and stay safe.
  14. R

    Leaves thinning and curling in

    if you dont have a tester you can get one at any indoor grow shop but the best deal i found was a combo ph and moisture 2 pronged tester on ebay for $8 if you are using tap water it is definately worth it good luck
  15. R

    Leaves thinning and curling in

    im no expert but i did have the same problem. before you do anything test your ph. sometimes if you add new nutes you can screw up your ph. like i said im no expert but i dont think this advice can hurt. my leaf tips were curling they looked like claws and i was getting yellow spots and burns...
  16. R


    im going to take your advice on the top soil to. makes sense
  17. R


    thanks ludacris i hope i can fix this as it is not to bad a problem yet. im growing skunk #1 and they are supposed to take some punishment so ill have to see what happens but if it gets worse ill just have to start over but i dont think i will. thanks again for the reply
  18. R


    thanks guys im going to get the foxfarm right now the place that sells it is an indoor grow supply place i think they should have a moisture meter. i hope anyway thanks again for the reply.
  19. R


    also i have another question. has anyone tried miracle grow cactis soil it is supposed to be quick draining and has very little nutes in it? the closest place around me that sells fox farm is a half an hour away just wondering if I could save a little time and money and go this route if someone...
  20. R


    this is my second grow. hopefully it is my first successful one. lets just say im really good at growing males!!! im using miracle grow organic and i know that isnt a good idea so i am transplanting into fox farm ocean. im getting some sagging leaves and some yellowish burns on the leaf. i think...