Leaves thinning and curling in


Active Member
Hello there folks. I am doing a soil grow where I have never had any significant plant problems. I have 5 razzle dazzle (White Russian x Blueberry) 3 weeks into flower and one of them doesnt look good. The leaves mainly around the top are curling down on themselves making them look very thin and not healthy.

I just gave the plant a light nutrient feeding with advanced 3 part to correct any fert problems...The plant may be overwatered but it seems like something else. Does anyone have experience with this problem?

Sorry I dont have a camera any advice is appreciated =)


Active Member
im no expert but i did have the same problem. before you do anything test your ph. sometimes if you add new nutes you can screw up your ph. like i said im no expert but i dont think this advice can hurt. my leaf tips were curling they looked like claws and i was getting yellow spots and burns but i didnt add any nutes so i tested the ph and sure enough it was off the charts good luck:eyesmoke:


Active Member
if you dont have a tester you can get one at any indoor grow shop but the best deal i found was a combo ph and moisture 2 pronged tester on ebay for $8 if you are using tap water it is definately worth it good luck