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  1. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    WTF what this all about then? Not really what I'd call a scrog
  2. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    Hi everybody a quick update, managed to stop the condensation. My out take fans wires had come loose so I had no air circulation whatsoeva!! all sorted now though so back on track. Phs has been dropping a little and ec going up slightly so Ive adjusted accordingly. Done alot of fan leaf trimming...
  3. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    So screen is really started to fill out now,been nearly 3 weeks..and no real promising sight of flowers but think they'll flurry in the next couple. Then time for a nute change. OH!!! forgot to mention my tri meter turned up the other day!!!! OH MY GOD they have got to be every hydro grower's...
  4. white widow rules

    "the ultimate " my first grow

    Yea!!!! Looking nice gooseman gonna have some phat colas from those girls! Let them go all the way though. I was nearly an eager beaver but managed to calm myself down!
  5. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    Cheers Mark! I really think scrogs are the way to go, unless youve got optimum space available, the key, in my eye neway is knowing when to let the girls go, think my screen is gonna be choca block but time will tell. Id rather have a over full screen than a screen that is barely covered!!
  6. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    Best of luck gooseman but just remember, it takes a few days for the plants to react to a nute change (ie. Higher, lower) I wouldnt over do it too much because youll be forever flushing those nutes out if it all goes pete tong!
  7. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    Hi guys. I'm a little excited at present, I've just ordered myself a Tri meter and some more nites so I'm a little excited right now. Should be here hopefully Monday, but If not definately Tuesday, Or so I'd like to think. No real update plants looking healthy, might start doing a bit of under...
  8. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    Well last time I followed cannas nute guide which is on the website and only normal feeding, they seemed to cope with this fine. I just feel that they can take more and last grow I eased off too early (at about 7 weeks) but because they flowered for so long I'll keep it up until about week 9 I...
  9. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    So heres some latest pictures Since ive boosted the nutes theyve gone mental, so looks like ill be running a higher nute strength this time.
  10. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    So I've just had a knee operation, on both knees, and I'm finding it a bit of a struggle to get to my room, I did however manage a visit yesterday, (took me a lifetime to get out there though.). Things are progressing fine, plants are looking healthy, I think by the middle of next week I am...
  11. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    Really? you think that 3ft is lanky? I didn't think they were that bad, think they'd just need a little more space of there own. The overall strain I am really impressed with but as with all strains I still have alot to learn. Peace out
  12. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    Thanks man, the room is 2m x 2m x 2m the screen is about 1.7 x 1.4 ish, I can get down either side of it so that's not too much of a problem.
  13. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    cheers I'm really in love with system it's just so simple with amazing results, got the idea from a YouTube video. Light dispersions pretty good, surprisingly, actually some of my outer buds were my bigger ones (from my last crop) Really wanted 600w but haven't got the money at present :(
  14. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    So here are just a couple of updated shots. Ive started to bend them under the screen now. Thought I was gonna loose one as she was a bit big goin under the screen and my fat sausage fingers managed to almost snap the poor girl in half but shes recovered. What a lovely lady!
  15. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    So all my daily checks have been fine growth a little slower than expected, but think they had a little shock from the transplant as i had to trim alot of the roots off. I will post some more pictures later.
  16. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    Thanks guys, well the first time I grew these I put them into veg when they were 12" and under, and they all reached at least 1mtr, that's why I've decided to put them into flower straight away. That crop was 15 plants in this exact system (previous pics) and yielded just over 21 ounces dry...
  17. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    Right peeps last grow finished. this grow started here are some pics of my new set up, what ya'll think???? Awaiting your comments
  18. white widow rules

    Best SCROG ever!!"The Ultimate" from dp

    Right so here I am with my scrog attempt. Plants are in the system Ive built, just got to put the screen over but havent had much time lately. So here it is Strain: "The Ultimate" DP So Ph 5.8 EC 1.4 Nutes Aqua flores for 1st 2 weeks of flower then switch These have been in clones for...