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  1. G

    Do you like to annoy people?

    we used to sit on my friend's porch and yell "shhh" to loud people on the street.
  2. G

    how to evade awkwardness if bakes in public:

    i just don't give a shit, if someone calls me out on being high i'll just say i'm having a really good day. also if you make someone laugh they usually won't notice or not give a shit
  3. G

    How much $ do you make growing?

    here's some math for you sell "x" amount of oz's for "y" amount of dollars - cost = profit. fill in the blanks and thats how much you will make
  4. G

    Whats the closest you have been to death?

    the technical term the doctor used was i shattered a kidney
  5. G

    my first grow northern lights x big bud

    here's a picture of my little baby. the first 2 round leaves are getting pretty yellow but the new growth looks healthy any idea if this is normal or the cause of it? thanks, gouldie
  6. G

    my first grow northern lights x big bud

    i moved the lights to about 2.5 inches off the plant and it's getting a lot stronger now. i'll get some pics up tomorrow when i have time
  7. G

    my first grow northern lights x big bud

    well i have a very brown thumb, i have 1 of the free seeds growing right now and it looks like it's stretching a lot but at least it's growing. the lights are already a few inches away from the plant so any ideas on how to get it to stop? thanks
  8. G

    Greatest Stoner Moment of All Time

    got to my new apartment and closed the bedroom door for the first time, wouldn't close all the way so i try again, still wouldn't close. i take a step back and the door was 3 inches narrower than the door frame. i was laughing for a solid 15 min
  9. G

    my first grow northern lights x big bud

    figure i'll post a few pics of the set up. i'm using the box the light came in to start them and once they get bigger i'll change a few things. tell me what you think
  10. G

    my first grow northern lights x big bud

    just got my seeds in today ordered them on 8/29 so i'm happy with the delivery time. they're northern lights crossed with big bud from amsterdam marijuana seedbank. came with 20 free seeds which i'm gonna wait to grow. i have 3 seeds germinating picked them using this...