Do you like to annoy people?


Well-Known Member
L&D's 248 Favorite ways to Annoy people

This is funny, I know I got a few good ideas from it. If you think of something else, it's always good to hear your creative thoughts.

I like to mess with telemarketers, and act like I know them from someplace else... I'll be like "Leon, is that you? Come on leon quit joking around. Dude, it's not funy anymore, you should come hang out."

One time when I was ordering a pizza, I asked the girl on the phone to please go and double check that the pizza was in fact, dead.


Well-Known Member
6. Reply to everything someone says with "that's what you think."

lol hahha im gana have to try this one.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha some of this shit is too funny..

Pretending your invisible!

While at the drive through..make sure its to-go!


stays relevant.
How about 12 year old british kids on Xbox Live? Where in the hell did they learn to be annoying talking about burberry and shit... god.


Well-Known Member
mystery- haha. yeah pretending your invisible would be some funny shit too. I think They did a skit with that idea on viva la bam ounce. This is like a script for jack ass or something.


stays relevant.
i cant even express how annoying it is... and then the 11 year old kids who come in playing GTA4 sounding like car alarms screaming about why they cant kill me... FUCK THEIR SHITTY PARENTS FOR BUYING THEM GTA4... jesus...


Well-Known Member
mystery- haha. yeah pretending your invisible would be some funny shit too. I think They did a skit with that idea on viva la bam ounce. This is like a script for jack ass or something.
Think about this though lol, seriously.

I walk into Mcdonalds to get some food, and totally cut your ass. In your mind your like, "wtf is this guys doing?" If you decide to say something to me, then I'll respond ALOOF as Fuck.. "YOU CAN SEE ME?!"..."HMM, THIS ISNT GOOD!" with a serious face... :lol:

I'm doing this today..fersure


Well-Known Member
Think about this though lol, seriously.

I walk into Mcdonalds to get some food, and totally cut your ass. In your mind your like, "wtf is this guys doing?" If you decide to say something to me, then I'll respond ALOOF as Fuck.. "YOU CAN SEE ME?!"..."HMM, THIS ISNT GOOD!" with a serious face... :lol:

I'm doing this today..fersure
i wish i could come with you. you sound like my kind of person. We used to go around in town and just bark rampantly to unsuspecting strangers. ohh god, almost better then sex.


Well-Known Member
i remember when i was about 15, me and my friend were drunk and baked as hell, and we orderd pizzas to are neighbors house, and my neighboor was a big drunk, he was also known as a wife beater but he opended the door, screamed at the delivery man and punched him square between the eyes!That day we also tied twetny bucks on the en d of a fishing pole, ive ne ver seen so many stupid peoepl in my life.