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  1. S

    Is LSA worth it? (Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds)

    All of these people keep talking about vomiting, and horrible pain/cramps. There are easy ways around all of this. 1: Soak the seeds, and peel off the outer most shell (light milky color) and then grind them into a fine powder. Alternatively, you can use a knife to scrape it off. The seed is...
  2. S

    Intellect Tree I've been wondering about this plant for some time now. I've been slowly increasing my doses of, Baby Hawaiian Woodrose Seeds, but have varying results. Either nothing happens, or the trip is SO intense, I have to sit and calm down. So I've...
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    Are Baby Hawaiian Woodrose seeds safe to eat?

    Calm down there kiddo. I was asking a general question, because it didn't make sense to me. No need to get all hot headed, just because I goofed. Take a pill or something :3.
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    Are Baby Hawaiian Woodrose seeds safe to eat?

    I have a feeling that, English isn't your first language. "in its pure form have much effect in clotting or bp." ^That doesn't make any sense to me. Are you saying LSD doesn't have much effect on clotting?
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    Are Baby Hawaiian Woodrose seeds safe to eat?

    During my most recent experimentation, I have found that taking 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams of Acetaminophen (over the counter CVS pain relief): Will ease the DVT scar pains. 1,000mg is 2 pills, 1,500 is 3. Due to my career choice in semi truck driving, I can not smoke Cannabis, or I would be...
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    Are Baby Hawaiian Woodrose seeds safe to eat?

    I agree with most of the people on this particular thread. They taste like ass. The taste alone is enough to engage anyone's gag reflex. How ever, if you want to skip those unpleasant tastes, I suggest grinding them. I bought myself 1,000 gel capsules to put 4-6 ground up seeds into. It takes 2...