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    whats going on

    last time it took 9 weeks to look like they do only dif is extra nutes this time budda tree pk canna boost they have about 600ml a day siting at lowest 17c highest 29c under 2x 600w bloom bulbs in soil
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    whats going on

    could lol never been my strong point .
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    whats going on

    na thought about that no signs anywhere been using mighty wash cold it be that ?
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    whats going on

    have tried some bit harsh as not flushed but overall good hard I know without pics will try get something sorted
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    whats going on

    sorry computer spazed not got camara lost phone over new year there seven weeks in six from first sight
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    whats going on

    hi all need some help im 7d most weeks into flower and nearly all the pistols and trics are orange on over 75% of the plant on all of them there two diff strans any ideas???
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    How much did your first grow yield?

    my first was a success 2.5 pr plant yet second was shit and less did exactly the same apart from spider mite on third go now doing really well 4 weeks into flower what nutes u using ?
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    week four of flower

    into week 4 with blue cheese and armegeddon using mixture of dutch pro Buddha tree and canna boost going well looking great any one else used these nutes anything need to keep eye out for only second time round
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    HELP! What does this mean

    are u two weeks from flushing ?
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    HELP! What does this mean

    just plant pulling goodness back into itself
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    dutch pro nutes

    hi all has any one else used dutch pro feed ? as wondering weather to change nutes after this one or just add other nutes alongside any help grately recived cheers
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    please HELP. what is doing this?

    cant remember off hand what they was called began with a p lol yes had little black flys used sticky pads and normal fly spray to kill them and the natt off in the nutes to kill lavi some one said put potatoe slices on ur soil but not tried that yet as they have all but gone now little cal mag...
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    please HELP. what is doing this?

    I had similar problem mine was spider mite and little black flys whos lava feasted on the roots I used preditors and nat off for root bugs two weeks later with bit mag cal they perked right up
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    6 weeks in....w/porn :)

    what strain is she looks banging
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    newbie first time with seeds

    im only spraying soil lightly twice a day just plain water nothing more
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    newbie first time with seeds

    there under cfl 250 w but not for a couple days after germination its about 4 inch above when should I re pot as only potted them day ago ?
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    newbie first time with seeds

    hay all germinated some seeds they came through fine but look like cress and are well floppy is this normal if not what should I do cheers