please HELP. what is doing this?


Well-Known Member
i have a small indoor garden that has done me well. two grow cabinets, one for veg(picture a), and one for flower (picture b). until i got bugs. not exactly sure how but i think they came in on soil.
  • lights led and florescent
  • plants in soil
  • clones in a 4 gal aerocloner
  • small fan in each grow box and have a 720 cfm fan with carbon filter to pull air out
  • temps are in 70's to 80's usually mid 70's
a.IMG_1162.jpg b.IMG_1178.jpg

i have seen two insects in my garden one i believe is hypnosis miles (picture c.) and the other is beneficial nematodes. a while back the hypnosis miles (picture c.d.f.g.h.i.j.) were out of control and i believe they were and are killing my plants even though everything i read says they don't kill plants. the nematodes and a lot of extreme methods drench, organics, chemical, killed the bugs for 3 weeks and my mothers finally started to get new growth again. just as mothers (picture d.) started to look healthy i noticed some leaf spotting and yellowing. so i watered with some neem oil water mix and sure enough i found 1 hypnosis miles but when there is one i'm sure there is more.

c.HypoaspisBig.jpg d.IMG_1163.jpg e.IMG_1165.jpg f.IMG_1169.jpg
g.IMG_1168.jpg h.IMG_1172.jpg i.IMG_1177.jpg j.IMG_1176.jpg

i believe that the nematodes are what really killed all the hypnosis miles last time but i don't see any of them in the soil anymore. my mothers are starting to look sick again. i have two plants in flower, one on its first week and anther with two weeks to go. the one with two weeks to go im shocked is still alive. the stress from what i believe is from bugs and the shit i used to kill the bugs really did a hurting on two them. i should have two plants ready to harvest in two weeks but one completely died off with three weeks left. the plant just put into flowering is starting to show some yellowing and spots just like the moms and the plant with two weeks(k.l.) is really looking like it has some deficiencies.

k.IMG_1179.jpg l.IMG_1180.jpg

i haven't been able to find any fliers or bugs on my leaves. they are just in the soil. can hypnosis miles kill your plants or are there bugs i my garden that i cant find that the hypnosis miles are eating? is my soil staying too wet and roots are rotting? i water about every 3 to 5 days. just when the pots feel light when i pick them up. i spotted what i believe was a little white web in the soil with a 30x microscope. do hypnosis miles leave these webs? could the leaves spotting and yellowing like that be because they are root bound?

can someone please tell me what is wrong?


New Member
I had similar problem mine was spider mite and little black flys whos lava feasted on the roots I used preditors and nat off for root bugs two weeks later with bit mag cal they perked right up


Well-Known Member
did you have bugs flying around and what kind of predators did you use? were the spider mites in your leaves or just the soil? i havnt found a single flier in my garden larva. i have cal mag on hand. but i dont use it because i thought my tap water had enough


New Member
cant remember off hand what they was called began with a p lol yes had little black flys used sticky pads and normal fly spray to kill them and the natt off in the nutes to kill lavi some one said put potatoe slices on ur soil but not tried that yet as they have all but gone now little cal mag don't hurt as a tonic just drop nutes a little makes um stronger


Well-Known Member
That is by far the most messed up plants ive ever seen in my life, Im so sorry you just got really unlucky. Bugs you gotta deal with very carefully, you gotta get rid of them at the same time you need to make sure that the plants stay unharmed. Neem oil works pretty good i would have just used that then put up one of those fly strips and that would have probably fixed the problem quite well.