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    white widow X white satin cross??? help

    i have a female white widow and a male white satin and was wondering if maybe i could, or should, cross them? does anyone know what it make produce etc?
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    White satin x white widow cross??? help

    I have a female white widow and a male white satin. would it be ok to cross the two? anyone know what it might produce, etc??
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    smell is out of control

    I have 26 plants growing and i only use an ozone generator and ona odor neutralizer in my humidifier and it controls the odor great!! have them both in the grow room.
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    Please help diagnosis-leave problems

    hum...just an update. the safer insecticide didn't cut it so i had to use pyrethrine. killed every last one of 'em!! :fire:
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    Anyone Tried The Grow Shop?

    I found this site that has some great seeds at a good price but i don't know how legit they are. Has anyone tried or heard of please let me know. thanks
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    light pricing........4ft fluorescent tubes

    there are two different types of bulbs. daylight/cool (blue) and warm (red). you want either all blue or a mix of blue and red for vegging and then all red for flowering.
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    Freaky Seedling

    hum...looks pretty normal to me. had several of mine start out looking like that.
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    Leaves curl, brown, yellow.

    i agree about getting them into bigger containers. mine started looking like that in 16oz cups after about 2 weeks. after i transplanted them they started looking wonderful!!
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    Please help diagnosis-leave problems

    hey thanks spiked1. i checked under the lowest set of leaves and it was covered with little green bugs!! thrip? spider mites? not sure but i sprayed the hell out of them with safer insectide. hope that will help.
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    Please help diagnosis-leave problems

    Thanks grindafish. that could be it. Anyone think it might look like thrip?
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    Please help diagnosis-leave problems

    Hi, this is my first grow. i have 10 magic bud plants that are around 4 weeks into veg. most of them look great but a few have started having leave problems. the tips are turning brown and the leaves are starting to look whitish. here are some pics. are magic buds normally a little droopy? this...