smell is out of control

Miss Greenthumb

Active Member
just acquired 5 blooming plants and the smell is out of control. My whole house reeks. I have a carbon filter going 24/7 and the grow space is closed off but none of this has made a dent. Please help!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yep good ol' ona.

The carbon filter should be taking care of it though.

If it's really old and has been used a lot, you might want to rinse off the activated carbon, a strong stream of water will take off the dust which might be retarding the charcoal's capabilities.


Well-Known Member
Is your grow in a tent? Is your intake more powerful then your outake? where does your outake vent to, how old is your filter?


Well-Known Member
Could be air leaks in the grow room, make sure no air gets in other than through the intakes, and no air leaves other than via the c/f.


Well-Known Member
As long as all the air is exiting via the c/f and the c/f is up to the job and working ok there shoudnt be any smells, maybe the fan is too powerfull for the c/f and pulling more air than the c/f can scrub?

Miss Greenthumb

Active Member
i have no way of venting out the air from the carbon filter so i have it recirculating. is this a problem? and how exactly is 'fresh air' supposed to get in a closet??


Well-Known Member
Recirculatio is not a problem, but your heat level might get high from the light.

What cfm rating is the fan/ how big is the filter. Carbon works better if the air flows over the carbon not to fast.


Well-Known Member
your fan and c/f system is supposed to extracting air from your room and blowing it out into another room or outside, the negative pressure that is then created by the air being pulled out of the room by the extractor fan pulls fresh air into your growspace via your intake ports, some ppl add extra fans to use in reverse and push fresh air into the growspace, you really need to set that fan up to extract and not recirculate, one to keep your temps manageable, two to ensure your plants have a constant supply of Co2 (in the fresh air) so your plants can breath three to prevent the perfect conditions for mould and four to make your carbon filtration system actually work...........

And you call yourself Miss Greenthumb :lol: jk :hump:

Miss Greenthumb

Active Member
ouch londoner! :) the only windows i have face the street. won't it be alittle obvious having a system venting out air??
i have a 4 inch c/f. 200 intake, 180 output.


Active Member
I have 26 plants growing and i only use an ozone generator and ona odor neutralizer in my humidifier and it controls the odor great!! have them both in the grow room.


Active Member
well, as for getting smell out of the rest of your house...

Get some bounce sheets or fabreeze sheets and set up a fan with one on the back of the fan... turn on high... smell gone in less than 2 minutes! Repeat this for any room including grow room.


Well-Known Member
ouch londoner! :) the only windows i have face the street. won't it be alittle obvious having a system venting out air??
i have a 4 inch c/f. 200 intake, 180 output.

Can you not at least setup the fan so it extracts out of the closet and into another room or just out of the grow room at least?

I have 26 plants growing and i only use an ozone generator and ona odor neutralizer in my humidifier and it controls the odor great!! have them both in the grow room.
Yes ozone generators do work well but ozone is also hazardous to your health, if you live in the same place as your grow i wouldnt advise the use of ozone.

and so far heat is not a problem. hovers in the 80 degree range during the day. humidity is at about 60%.
Your temps will be lower if you extract the warm air out, and your plants will thank you for the supply of fresh air, 60+% humidity + 80+ degrees in late flower + zero extraction + dense sticky buds = bud rot, trust me.


Well-Known Member
well, as for getting smell out of the rest of your house...

Get some bounce sheets or fabreeze sheets and set up a fan with one on the back of the fan... turn on high... smell gone in less than 2 minutes! Repeat this for any room including grow room.
ROFL no amount of bounce or fabreeze is gonna get rid of the smell of my plants mate. Only a correctly configured fan and c/f system + a few plug in air fresheners around the house. but i smoke green constant so my place stinks of weed anyway:leaf: But the smell of mature plants in full flower is totally different to the smell of smoking it.


Well-Known Member
Dude, ona in a bucket....fabreeze????

There is no comparing the odor control a carbon filter provides, if you are using a carbon filter and there is still odor your doing something wrong. You have air leaks, you filter is old, something. Please examine your setup and help us find the problem. Dont give up and go with a ghetto solution.