hey guys. both my plants have shown white hairs so i want a fertilizer that has that high phophurous thing goin on. iv looked and looked and basically if looked stupid goin in to a gardening store asking for something high is phosphuous. i read on th net a good solution is 15-30-15 but when i...
hey evryone im back. sorry if ya didnt want me here hahahaha. how r u netpirate. my plants are going well. they are both ladies like us now so im happy. mmmm has anyone heard of a mcfeast burger at mcdonalds? i just ate one and cant stop thinking about it. hehe mmmmmmmm it was yum
hey guys im back... been so busy and i have been given 4 more little plants so i have 6 now. the thing is the little sprouts are already in pots that are only about 12cms high and 14cms wide (4.5 inches and 5.5 inches wide). i wanna no how tall these plants can actually grow. as alot of yas no...
hey guys... wats doin. anyone go the the spring nats car show on the weekend in shepparton, vic? it was mad. alot of cars.......................... oh so many hot cars mmmmmmmmmm and there drivers hehe. so anyone here got a nice car to tell us about considering this is the only thread you will...
i live in vic... For use, possession and cultivation of a small quantity of cannabis (less than 50 grams) u usually get a penalty of a good behaviour bond for a first offence or if your lucky an official warning. A person charged with the more serious offences that involve trafficking or...
wow thats pretty impressive. i didnt even no wat weed was wen i was 15. im growing 3 plants for the first time and im 19. lol. i feel like a baby at growing =)
wow no way could i stand a 46 degree day. thats torture. and sorry but i thought it was an insult wen you said aussies think they are the centre of the world but it wasnt so its dropped. it is supposed to be hot now but its rained and thundered for 3 days straight. i hopre my plants are gonna be...
hey hey hey there. im sssssssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stoned. man i could eat my cupboard empty im so hungry. hey im thinkin of buying the mixed outdoor thingy of seeds off a seedbank site? has anyone ever got the mixed outdoor lot and has good plants outta it?
hey yeah i guess youd get really good weed in the carrabian. they thrive in the heat. i notice when my plants get a good water and a day of really good sun coz they grow enogh to notice at the end of the day. we have just had rain and clouds over the past 2 days? can that do anything?
ah aussies dont think they are the centre of the world jolijn. that did insult me. everyone has their own way of speaking so some peeps say z and some say zed. zed is more of a proper way and z is like slang (a shorter version). in the alphabet its says it z so i guess its z then. moving on...
yeah i thought it was strange too coz its only 3 months. if it stays flowering then does that mean its total growing time is cut short? it has like 2 white hairs shootong out of where the veg starts to grow. i cant see any "balls".
hey guys can ya please tell me how i tell if my plant is female or a hermaphrodite? it has hairs but they grew from a pod that broke open. the pod now looks like a tiny leaf on either side. and i apologise for saying a plant cant be harvesed before 9 months coz no shit my plant seems to be...
ah yeah we do have states and i think the football your thinking of with the jackets is AFL (australian football league
) the tougher one were they tackle and stuff is NRL (national rugby league) but im a girl so i dont follow it hat much. oh and mate here means like a friend or something. and...