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  1. B

    Cloning Questions

    I have a question PLEASE HELP??? I have 2 plants that are female and im starting to flower.I want to know if i can flower the trim off buds go back to veg for a week or two and then cut clones.And also will it change the grade of the bud b/c it was budded before i cut clones.I will appreciate...
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    Should I start flowering?

    im not sure what kind of soil to use. i shop at home dept,lowes and walmart. does anyone know what kind of soil i should buy?????
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    Should I start flowering?

    I have a question i have 3gal pails with 2 plants in each are the pots big enough? And also how big should they be before i start to flower to get max yield....Please help
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    Curling Leaves on New growth

    i am still having the same prob.I dont check my ph b/c i dont have a tester.i think my soil is descent but it has some small sticks and other big pieces.i also see some small knat type of the plants are looking worse every day.If anyone could help me i would appreciate it. Thanks...
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    Curling Leaves on New growth

    I have 7 seedlings and 5 of them are gettin brown spots on the leaves not sure what it is please help
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    Neem Oil help

    It says to use 1 and a halh tsp per qrt of neem and dish soap.Will the soap hurt seedlings to little plants?
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    Neem Oil help

    The bottle says to use dish soap is this a good idea???
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    Well it turns out i had spider mites.So i harvested and all is good!!!
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    I have a Question.I have 3 plants that are almost done flowering and the leaves on 1 are turning like a lime green color but the buds are a deep green.The other 2 are fine.I am new at this and i dont test ph or anything else like that.I would appriciate any help..