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    ok heres the plan. tresspassing involved

    wow u guys suck, no response, not even a pro or nay. off to grasscity it seems
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    Ruderalis virgin

    autoflowers dont get that big, i believe a 1 gallon pot should be sufficient.
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    ok heres the plan. tresspassing involved

    ive found a few spots to guerilla grow, although they seem convenient i am in the city, and there is not much bush around. to find ones gorilla grow would not be hard. im contimplating on growing on a a private corperations land, they are an aluminum company, and most of their land is forest...
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    exotic house pets

    id love to have a pet owl :)
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    Dark black circle wtf?

    the black portal didnt follow my vision, i saw it standing up also, it was on 1 spot, I avoided the black void, wow, , weather i almost lost my soul, or im just losing it, im going to actually stop smoking pot daily, who woulda thought itd take darkness to help remind me of the light
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    Dark black circle wtf?

    possibly , i did some surfing and pulled this up though, pretty eerie... WORMHOLES ~ STARGATES~ PORTALS ~ THIRD HEAVEN What happens when a human walks through the portal (wormhole-star gate) entering into the Third Heaven? Do they return? No, the demons capture their spirits, cages them on the...
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    Dark black circle wtf?

    Last night while lying in bed, stoned but thats the norm, im a daily smoker. well last night i was laying in bed trying to astral project which i have yet to be successful at .and i was sure i was almost there, i was in a trance like state, i was sensing entities like you would sence on dmt...
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    1000 $ drug supplies sent to house WTF

    yea im definitely never ordering sketchy shit like that again. i was paranoid for like a week haha, not worth the extra stress. im glad i didnt evade the phone calls, that would imply guilt id assume and draw more suspicion? not a fun experience, but overal im happy, im free, and learnt a...
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    How much you guys payin??

    pot here is about 150-180 an oz, bomb hydro is normally about 200, i hate paying the extra 20, but its soo worth it :)
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    1000 $ drug supplies sent to house WTF

    well a few years ago i never would of typed this up, but i feel the need to share, i was in a sticky situation, im smart enough to have evaded trouble , but damn was i paranoid. I ordered a substance off the net, a watched chemical. no not to make meth lmao. if you have read enough into...
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    Totally Awesome Home made Bong Contest!!

    i once made a homemade bong for easy concealable smoking out of a pringles container just face the bowl away from ppl, poke a whole in the lid,lol, wont last more than a single sesh though, it will eventualyl get soggy, also at a party once i saw a salad dressing bottle for a bong, haha
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    Codex Alimentarius ! Watch this

    it is to kill us from the preventable diseases of under nutrition,
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    sending bud in the mail ez squeezy ?

    i was blazing as usual thinking up crazy ideas, I thought of a seems to be foolproof plan to send like an oz or 2 in the mail, get one of those glass containers with the candle built in, heat up the wax in a hot water bath over a low burning stove, poor the wax out, stuff the bag in, poor...
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    911 POLL - Do you believe the official report?

    i was just saying 9.11 happened along time ago, there are concentration camps that will no doubt be filled soon, i believe a pandemic will be the front. regardless pandemic or not the camps are real, we just have to focus on the future because although 9.11 was a horrible incident, it happened...
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    911 POLL - Do you believe the official report?

    i honestly believe we are too far past 911, now is what we should be focusing on , , didn't mean to hijack just figured alota those crazy sheep would flock...
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    Swine Flu and Martial Law?

    yea i already connected the dots, pandemic makes the most sense, too many coincidences , , ...
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    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    lol its amazing how people can be so blind, that was me before i decided to get off my lazy ass and stop going on hearsay and educated my self, all well some dont want to wake from their blissful slumber, humans really arent that intelegent our ignorance is killing us when really its all so...
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    Cops/dogs at the airport

    in Cuba there was a hound dog running on the luggage turnamabober thingy smelling the luggage and people, its quite cute when you don't have any drugs on you lmao:peace:
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    Inflation. Is it so bad for the AVERAGE American?

    inflation is just devaluation of the dollar , stealing is what it is, well more like slavery