Totally Awesome Home made Bong Contest!!


followed it all the way to the end and yeah +rep for stevie
and kaleo that sucks about your landlord and il tell you what il stealth ship you some seeds they'l be in a cd just pop em in the computer and hit print


Active Member
EDIT: I fixed her up..enter me in the contest...margarita cup with top sawed off...sockets and foil bowl... works greatt im stoooneeed



Well-Known Member
great point! steve what do you wwant to see for the next contest? anything but, best 8 page research paper, lol jk bro, but serious, what do you want to see?


Well-Known Member
great point! steve what do you wwant to see for the next contest? anything but, best 8 page research paper, lol jk bro, but serious, what do you want to see?


that was a pretty good informal contest for a while...

i really cant tell you man... id have to think about it. i been so fucking busy with school and getting settled in. fuck. i been out of school for a year and a half and i just jumped right into a doubled schedual cuz i decided to get a head start... and stoners are unmotivated :roll::finger:...


Well-Known Member
well good luck at school, its never good to take more classes than you think you can handle, especilly your first semester

take your time deciding on a contest, look at my which contest thread for ideas, but we online stoners have all the time in the world to wait


Well-Known Member
well good luck at school, its never good to take more classes than you think you can handle, especilly your first semester

take your time deciding on a contest, look at my which contest thread for ideas, but we online stoners have all the time in the world to wait

thank you man. i think i could do it. i actually wanna make something of myself. ill get a few ideas going this weekend. ive got a few days off.


Well-Known Member
so i think i may have came up with a contest... best "RIU" tag.

eh eh...

...what you think?

all you got to do is tag riu somewhere. ive seen a few threads about people that like to do that. ill be a judge cuz i cant do that.


Active Member
i once made a homemade bong for easy concealable smoking out of a pringles container just face the bowl away from ppl, poke a whole in the lid,lol, wont last more than a single sesh though, it will eventualyl get soggy, also at a party once i saw a salad dressing bottle for a bong, haha


Well-Known Member
i can dig that contest, steve. if i can get my hands on a camer i think it could be fun, dont forget to put it in the contest section tho. i think i mentioned that to jonboy, he remembered everything but that, oh well


Well-Known Member
ill put it there...

yeah man you need to buckle down and buy a camera already lol or a phone with one. what phone doesnt have a camera now a days... :)


Well-Known Member
i once made a homemade bong for easy concealable smoking out of a pringles container just face the bowl away from ppl, poke a whole in the lid,lol, wont last more than a single sesh though, it will eventualyl get soggy, also at a party once i saw a salad dressing bottle for a bong, haha
hey ez grow, did you see my entry? Mine was a salad dressing bottle. :D post #68


Well-Known Member
my old cell phone has a camera, but no way to attach it to the computer

and why would i go out and get a camera, when i could get a bottle a bag and a few pills for the $100 instead

hey ez grow, did you see my entry? Mine was a salad dressing bottle. :D post #68
i was going to mention that actually


Well-Known Member
my old cell phone has a camera, but no way to attach it to the computer

and why would i go out and get a camera, when i could get a bottle a bag and a few pills for the $100 instead

i was going to mention that actually
Sounds like a man with his priorities in order. :D