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  1. J

    going away

    Hiya guys! i'm going on holiday in a couple of months and my plants will be vegging. Has anyone left their plants for 2 weeks before? if so, how were they, did you keep the lights going or turn them off? basically, how long can i push it? Thanks!
  2. J

    reusing plant

    thanks for the advice guys, i think i will check out cloning for next time :)
  3. J

    reusing plant

    I'm harvesting my plants and was wondering if after cutting most of the plant off, can i keep the roots and stem and stick it back into veg or is that stupid??
  4. J

    I am new.

    ok well first thing is that the set up you have allows you to have a flowering room and veg room. or mother plant and clones, or all three which is cool, so you need to do a bit of digging as to how you want to grow. I'm a noob too and would recommend starting with 2 plants going straight from...
  5. J

    nutes in flower trouble

    Hi guys, so I've been doing really well so far on my first grow but I'm now in week 4 of flowering and having issues. I switched to bloom nutes when i switched lighting, then soon learnt that the plant needs more nitrogen during this time, not less, so I've been continuing grow nutes of 6,3,3...
  6. J

    heya! I wanted to let u know that the royal queen kush does stretch a bit after flower but not...

    heya! I wanted to let u know that the royal queen kush does stretch a bit after flower but not as much as expected. fimming made them thrive though, we've got LOADS of bud sites going and could have fimmed earlier than node 4. we're about 2 weeks into flower and we left enough room for 3 times...
  7. J

    Help help help

    you shouldn't be transplanting while they're still seedlings dude! wait until they are bigger next time.
  8. J

    How much longer?

    she is one sexy mother dude! congrats, looks like you're gonna have some lovely smoke there.
  9. J

    purified water

    I only used that for when they were overnuted but now I'm using well spring water that has the nutrients in it. seems to be working well :)
  10. J

    purified water

    im in england and tesco doesn't do distilled water so the i had to get deionized from the car section. it's just water, with no minerals/nutrients so use when you have overfed and need to cleanse the plants :)
  11. J

    purified water

    I recently had an issue with a nute deficiency followed by nute burn and seeing as I don't know the content of the tap water I was using, I bought some deionized water, used that for a couple of days while it recovered, then went to bottled water with minerals in it. gonna keep some around in...
  12. J

    Cat eatting plant

    haha new2420grow, My kitty is very similar. he is affectionately called dogcat and always responds to being called that haha. he comes belting down the garden when we call him in, runs to the front door when there is someone there and sits on the stairs watching the interaction. he will greet...
  13. J

    Accident while topping

    let it be, it's an extra bud site after all :)
  14. J

    Cat eatting plant

    a well trained cat wont eat them. when my kitty was younger we trained him using a spay bottle (it's actually the snakes bottle but don't tell her that) and now whenever he goes in the tent, he just has a sniff then lays down or chases his tail in the light, the silly bugger. can't you just shut...
  15. J

    Grow tent temp help

    I have had this problem this week also. for now, I have the bottom of the door open to keep it cool but I have just bought (for £20) a cool tube for my HIP light which I'm told will get rid of the excess heat that it causes :)
  16. J

    2 days of no help and they are getting closer to death!

    oh lots of responses :) ok so GKID Yes I knew that and yet I felt sure they had a deficiency and apparently 4 pipette drops was more than what they needed especially when I did it twice :/ oops! the recommendation was 2ml which is so tiny, I obviously over-did it. Juilecasea Cheers for that...
  17. J

    2 days of no help and they are getting closer to death!

    Ok so that's definitely nute burn so I'm sticking to plain water (gonna get some bottled water tonight) with no nutes. hopefully they will recover soon, I hate seeing them like this :(
  18. J

    2 days of no help and they are getting closer to death!

    Unfortunately my neck of the woods has very hard water full of calcium so I have a pot of boiled water cooling. The plants look terrible today, very wilted, but at least I can be sure they are dried out! will be adding 4 drops of nutes and watering while lights are off to let them absorb as much...
  19. J

    2 days of no help and they are getting closer to death!

    wow, thank you for taking the time to tell me all that aimaim. I think you may be on to something because getting the temp down has been a real issue for me. I have ordered a cooling tube today so hopefully if that does the trick, and it should sort out my problems. I will also start looking for...
  20. J

    2 days of no help and they are getting closer to death!

    Yes bird :) lots of holes, that's how I can see the roots :)