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  1. J

    HELP! Am I on the right lines here?

    oh and I know that the cotyledons aren't doing anything any more and can come off, but I'm worried about the real leaf that is going lime :/
  2. J

    HELP! Am I on the right lines here?

    it's organic but says it's got nutrient stuff :) definitely not time-release. Thank you for your quick reply dude!
  3. J

    HELP! Am I on the right lines here?

    hey guys so over night 3 of 4 babies are slanting a bit and aren't standing up as well on their own. also the tiny old leaves have turned yellowy and one leaf on one plant is starting to turn lime green. here's a pic: Now the soil has compressed a lot and they are only 15 days old so I'm not...
  4. J

    My First Attempt at Growing

    picture 9 is a definite nute burn dude!
  5. J

    can I Fim now? advice and opinions appreciated

    ok so after taking all advice into consideration we have come to a compromise and will fim at the 4th node :)
  6. J

    The guy with the 6ft lady!

    hows your auto bloom doing? have you corrected the issue? At least it got you high! that's the main thing hey!
  7. J

    can I Fim now? advice and opinions appreciated

    I know right! they are all similar to that, I have high hopes for them :) See that's what I've read! 3rd node. It's just my babies got there quicker :D
  8. J

    can I Fim now? advice and opinions appreciated

    Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, great, helpful, thanks! (sarcasm) :P
  9. J

    can I Fim now? advice and opinions appreciated

    cheers but I want to utilise the small pots while I can for the watering advantages, and in a few weeks they will be huge and ready to switch to flowering already. if i fim now, I can wait a couple of weeks before transplanting and she should be fine. :) they are super fast growers.
  10. J

    can I Fim now? advice and opinions appreciated

    Ok so a bit of Background for you lot: They are indica Afgan Kush seeds in Plant Magic Soil, no added nutes and 12 days old (from planting obs) 18/6 lighting watering when they get dry etc etc So, all my babies are developing their 4th nodes now and as I am a complete noob, I am only gonna FIM...
  11. J

    fans on babies

    Yeah it's not gonna get down to 23C, my light is too hot! but it is a resilient strain, an Afgan Kush, so I imagine it's used to high temps plus they are booming! so I'm not too worried about the temp getting to 32C now with the fan on, as long as they ain't burning, they're cool :) Mr Hyde...
  12. J

    Grow #2 White Widow X Skunk :)

    whooppee! Mrs deformed and slow poke has caught up over night! it's gonna be time to top her soon! :)
  13. J

    fans on babies

    well it's only a light flutter in my eyes, he's thinking it's a hurricane though lol! it's the same as I see in video's, just the lowest setting at least 10inches away. It just looks harsher on a lil plant that those monsters in videos :)
  14. J

    My First Attempt at Growing

    an English pound!
  15. J

    fans on babies

    ok so I'm having a debate with my boyfriend about the new installation of the fan. Babies are 10 days old but this big already Temp is getting up to 36C some times so I think fan is a good idea to strengthen and cool them. The fella does not think this, he thinks they are too ickle to be...
  16. J

    Grow #2 White Widow X Skunk :)

    I'm kinda getting that now. you can call growing an art as you express your personality through your grow. I'm already adapting to better the grow (bought a humidifier and fan and increased the flow of air by opening the side vents) and developing a style (habits of watering and feeding etc)...
  17. J

    Help please :(

    for seedlings and veg, anything from 30 to 80%, higher being better, then when flowering you want it over 20 still but under 50% to protect the buds :)
  18. J

    Grow #2 White Widow X Skunk :)

    yeah that's what I was thinking. I want them to fully utilise the small pot. Nope no nutes yet :D I'm growing in magic plant soil so according to peeps opinions I shouldn't need any for a good 2 months. got a grow and a bloom for the time though but I keep reading about people fucking up their...
  19. J

    Help please :(

    yeah let her grow, see what happens. At the worst, you'll have a bit of practice :) my humidity was really low, like under 20% even with the lights off, so I bought a lil humidifier for £30 and that does the trick while the lights are on, spraying them just didn't last long enough to make it...
  20. J

    Help please :(

    I agree it's unlikely anything you've done, but is a mutation of the strain, I'm interested to see how she turns out. What I will say is STOP WATERING YOUR PLANTS ON THE LEAVES!!!!! I get super paranoid about it after burning a plant once but yeah, you stick that baby under a light with droplets...