Grow #2 White Widow X Skunk :)


yeah that's what I was thinking. I want them to fully utilise the small pot. Nope no nutes yet :D I'm growing in magic plant soil so according to peeps opinions I shouldn't need any for a good 2 months. got a grow and a bloom for the time though but I keep reading about people fucking up their plant and needing to flush and I'm just thinking, WHY?! Why do they do it to the lil babies. they're all cool, cannabis was growing years before nutrients were invented lol :D


Active Member
I just harvested my first yield about a month ago I got prolly like 28 grams I used nutes flushing isn't a big deal it's real easy once u go through the whole process 1 time and u feel like u like the method ur using u will hardly change it up. You'll do what u like to do don't necessarily do what everyone tells u to do weigh ur opinions out and do what u feel is best for u and ur plants :) sooner or later I will upgrade my setup as well and that's all u really change up really ur setup to get better yields faster yields ect. But ur girls looking real nice tho.


I'm kinda getting that now. you can call growing an art as you express your personality through your grow. I'm already adapting to better the grow (bought a humidifier and fan and increased the flow of air by opening the side vents) and developing a style (habits of watering and feeding etc). I'm looking forward to having done a grow and knowing what I am doing, start to finish, (as a beginner anyway) for the first time :) should make for an interesting yield :D