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  1. G

    HELP with seeded Tahoe OG's.....:(

    Ok so i'm not a Cali Connect fanboy I can asure you but I have grown their feminsed strains sucessfully without any hermies and it was some of the best weed i have grown and smoked. Given that the OP only realised his grow was compromised with male sperm when he found actual seeds in his buds...
  2. G

    DWC Cooler SCROG - 2 x (C99 x AK47) clones - 250W HPS @ 42 DAYS Veg (pics lay within)

    DAY 36 of 12/12 The girls seem to be recovering from the extended dark xmas period pretty well. They have hardly grown at all vertically but are getting their green-ness back and are starting to fatten up. Lots of new pistil and leaf growth in the crowns too. They are supposed to finish up...
  3. G

    DWC Cooler SCROG - 2 x (C99 x AK47) clones - 250W HPS @ 42 DAYS Veg (pics lay within)

    Cheers Ray! Time will tell bro. It's also so bloody hot here at the moment which is not helping matters much. Sticking by them in their hour of need. Never leave a flowering female behind! Hooah!
  4. G

    GROW LOG #5: C88 F2's, Blueberry x C99 F1's and Critical+

    Hey FG that's some interesting reading on C99 there sir. Not the usual "holy grail" paragraph that normally appears out of Google :) You've got a tasty selection growing there bro. A veritable smorgasbord of strains for the discerning connoisseur! Also, what's the story behind those 6" air...
  5. G

    The Church DWC 400W Cabinet

    Hahahaha! Just found your grow journal ray and that toilet flush "evidence re-distribution" method is gold! If our toilet can handle my monster turds I'm sure it could handle an ounce or two of trim. That is some seriously compact branching there bro! That 400watter is keeping them nice and...
  6. G

    DWC Cooler SCROG - 2 x (C99 x AK47) clones - 250W HPS @ 42 DAYS Veg (pics lay within)

    DAY 32 of 12/12 So after 9-days of continual darkness (due to a dodgey timer), my plants were looking pretty sickly. It was too depressing to take any pics. However, after 5 days of TLC they seem to be picking up a bit now but are still looking stunted compared to where they should be. Some...
  7. G

    FLO GROW SCROG : SR71PK/Appalachia x Gorilla Grape F2 LRP ! I AM BACK

    That's a nice looking grow you got there fella! My girls are at day 30 now and wish they were looking as tasty as yours were at day 30 bro. Hope you have a great New Years my friend and looking forward to growing with you in 2012 :)
  8. G

    DWC Cooler SCROG - 2 x (C99 x AK47) clones - 250W HPS @ 42 DAYS Veg (pics lay within)

    Thanks for the words of support guys. Yeah I'm not going to give up on them. I was just bitterly dissapointed at their condition when I got home and threw a bit of a wobbly. But I've flushed the res and refilled it with fresh nutes, ice bottles, sang them a couple of CO2-filled lullabies and...
  9. G

    DWC Cooler SCROG - 2 x (C99 x AK47) clones - 250W HPS @ 42 DAYS Veg (pics lay within)

    SHIT-BUGGER-BUM-POOH! So my second worst fear was realised after returning from 9 days away over xmas holidays :( Arrived home, eagerly ran to unlock the cabinet, expecting to be greeted by the delightful sight of a groin-tingling amount of bud growth sunning itself underneath 400W of HPS like...
  10. G

    The VO Grow #2

    I feel your pain VO! Heading out of town for 9 days over xmas and have to get my sister-in-law to top up my res while I'm away. Wishing you the best with the grow bro. Enjoy your xmas mate!
  11. G

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Sounds like a girl I dated years ago. Her mother was very stinky too so she obviously passed on her stinky genes to her offspring. Shame really, she was a nice girl apart from her wretched stench.
  12. G

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thanks very much brother. Much appreciated! Merry xmas and good growing to you all.
  13. G

    DWC Cooler SCROG - 2 x (C99 x AK47) clones - 250W HPS @ 42 DAYS Veg (pics lay within)

    Hey there Ray & Flo, Thanks for the kinds words my friends! This 2nd DWC Scrog grow has gone so much better from my first. All the fart-assing around with removing males from the 1st grow and my mistakes with nuting, pH and lighting heights meant it was a pretty poor harvest. This in is...
  14. G

    Aussie Growers Thread

    G'day all, Just stumbled across this section of the forums. I'm in NSW doing a 2-plant DWC Scrog with Joey Weed AK99 (C99 x AK47) --> (link) Yes I bought some Reserva Privada (OG Kush) seeds from them about 2 months...
  15. G

    DWC Cooler SCROG - 2 x (C99 x AK47) clones - 250W HPS @ 42 DAYS Veg (pics lay within)

    DAY 17 of 12/12 Things are just ticking along: - Cabinet = 71-91F (22-32C) - Exhaust = 77-106F (25-41C) - Humidity = 41-55% - Res = 66F/19C - pH = 5.8 - ppm = 990(0.5)/1385(0.7) // excludes tap water ppms SCREEN COVERAGE: I stopped trimming undergrowth and training under screen today...
  16. G

    DWC cloning question

    Yeah if you can avoid having it on a timer then most definitely keep the bubbler-cloner on 24/7 just like you would your main DWC res. If you haven't done it to date but your plants are happy then job well done in getting them this far sir, but take them off the timer if you can and run it 24/7.
  17. G

    Bodhi's SR71 PK x Appalachia, TGA's Chernobyl AND Outlaw's Double Purple Doja F3!

    Sorry Dizzle, Forgot to add that thems some mighty fine looking flora there bro. That 4th photo (GEDC2217.jpg) is beautiful! Poetry in growth no less :) Happy grow to you bro!
  18. G

    Bodhi's SR71 PK x Appalachia, TGA's Chernobyl AND Outlaw's Double Purple Doja F3!

    What? You mean Santa actually exists? To think my parents lied to me all these years :(
  19. G

    FLO GROW SCROG : SR71PK/Appalachia x Gorilla Grape F2 LRP ! I AM BACK

    Flo that sounds like a Utopian nirvana where everything you wanted was in your reach and miles above the world where laws restrict your personal freedom of choice. I reckon Virgin Galactic should provide a smorgas board of illegal substances when they launch their space flights into earth's...