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  1. MystaIcky

    PRE PLANNING MY GROW: Need some feedback on my idea.

    i pretty sure i get where your coming from, now just to find out the ratio of White:short red: long red:blue for the different cycles, as im soo keen, HOWEVER, i will prob go HPS for now and just do my best to cool everything as my lack of knowledge on the subject even after reading a few...
  2. MystaIcky

    PRE PLANNING MY GROW: Need some feedback on my idea. ^^ NOW THIS RIGHT HERE, :D
  3. MystaIcky

    PRE PLANNING MY GROW: Need some feedback on my idea. Matt420Aus, xcame across this while doing some reading today, thought i would share :D
  4. MystaIcky

    PRE PLANNING MY GROW: Need some feedback on my idea.

    yeah i think led will be the winner, i COULD use hps and it wouldnt be crazy warm where it is tho BUT being under the house it has the potential to heat up the whole house from under neath on a beastly day (hit 34 here yesterday) so i think your on the point with the LED's, i will look today...
  5. MystaIcky

    PRE PLANNING MY GROW: Need some feedback on my idea.

    shwat about a 150w hps AND some led's to minimize heat/power for floweR?, the more i think about it tho if for heat/power i avoid hps i should prob avoid it all together shouldnt i?
  6. MystaIcky

    PRE PLANNING MY GROW: Need some feedback on my idea.

    That helps heaps thanks man :D, im willing to spend the $$$$ to save the $$$$$$$/jail time in the future lol so led i had considered just never had enough hands on experience/know enough to calculate a rough idea on what i was going to cost me, the whole led thing confuses me as i dont get the...
  7. MystaIcky

    PRE PLANNING MY GROW: Need some feedback on my idea.

    thank you for the feed back
  8. MystaIcky

    PRE PLANNING MY GROW: Need some feedback on my idea.

    May have to add to it later/ may of forgotten to add something i was doing/wanted to ask as the site thing stuffed up 2 x when i wrote this, this was the 3rd draft from scratch lol, so bare with me guys.
  9. MystaIcky

    PRE PLANNING MY GROW: Need some feedback on my idea.

    Hey hey everybody!, Been doing a lot of reading, and looking around the net as i plan to move back into indoor growing as mother nature keeps clutching my nuts her in her kung fu grip..... came up with a few ideas would like you guys to help me decide on the best way to go about my plan, and...
  10. MystaIcky

    LED LIGHTS BRANDS/MODELS : Which is the best and why?

    looking good creeper, soooo tasty, now the hard part of picking something potent i can sog the shit out of lol
  11. MystaIcky

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Hey Guys, Wanting to set up a 2m x 1m x 1.5m(LxWxH) ( roughly 6.5ft x 3.2ft x 6ft) tent area or something close to it if i can DIY it, Wanting to use LED's And besides "Which led should i go with", thought i would ask the following, as i read a few pages and still going so may as well ask in...
  12. MystaIcky

    LED LIGHTS BRANDS/MODELS : Which is the best and why?

    Hyroot: i understand, i have looked/am reading as we speak through "IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!", i just get confused with the back and forth discussion of what is good/what isnt so i just thought i would "reach out" as i would trust a LED growers opinion...
  13. MystaIcky

    LED LIGHTS BRANDS/MODELS : Which is the best and why?

    I have a budget of about 800-1000 AUD to spend on lighting LED wise for a 2m square area, so any imput from fellow LED users would be epic, as im happy to admit "If i know nothing about it, why pretend and waste money?" :D also reading a lot about swapping out bulbs for grow/veg ?
  14. MystaIcky

    Hello from the land down under LED NEWB

    scrap that previous dumb noob question/reading now lol
  15. MystaIcky

    Hello from the land down under LED NEWB

    oh btw dank...... DAMN, nice job :O, what brand/watt led light you running your results are tasty :D
  16. MystaIcky

    LED LIGHTS BRANDS/MODELS : Which is the best and why?

    NOW before i ask my question, i have done AS MUCH research as i could without knowing a single thing about led's and there output ability/strength and such, i do understand you require the right spectrum for growth and flower BUT, i cant seem to find any info thats not bias for or against the...
  17. MystaIcky

    Hello from the land down under LED NEWB

    Thanks dank :D , i shall do right now, keep reading "they dont work" but i assume thats from people not understanding light spectrum/colours needed so reading/asking people in the know i think may be the best way to get REAL answers to my questions :D
  18. MystaIcky

    Hello from the land down under LED NEWB

    ah ok, i just wanted to try and avoid asking repetive questions others have asked and annoy people since i just joined thats all lol, i shall tho :D, i dream of a sog led grow in 4 months i miss the quality of indoor so much :(
  19. MystaIcky

    Hello from the land down under LED NEWB

    IF anyone who has knoledgw on LED growing, please feel free to post in this thread links to the following so i dont annoy anyone: Im looking for information on the best light (wattage amount/cost price) for result, im not trying to be CHEAP, but IF i can save money by researching/asking some...
  20. MystaIcky

    Hello from the land down under LED NEWB

    HELLO EVERYONE! :hump: Been a while since i had anything to do with this, used to run a small 1.2x 1.2x2m tent and 400w mh for grow, 600w hps for flower....after 2 runs with no carbon filter (i know stupid me ) got a bit noid and sold everything, Wanting to get back into indoor side of things as...