Hello from the land down under LED NEWB


New Member
Been a while since i had anything to do with this, used to run a small 1.2x 1.2x2m tent and 400w mh for grow, 600w hps for flower....after 2 runs with no carbon filter (i know stupid me ) got a bit noid and sold everything,
Wanting to get back into indoor side of things as this year i decided to go guerrilla, even with research proir, planning and prep im loosing my battle to the wilderness pretty badly

Going to this time focus i think more on the LED side of it due to heat/power restrictions, new to the site thought i would say hi, so .... HI EVERYONE! :-o.

I will do my best to read through forums to make sure im not asking questions over and over again as best i can, But will be mainly looking into LED FAQ's and guides to help with my journey getting back into indoors :hug:

Look forward to talking Sh!t and what not and thanks inadvance for the help i know i will get here :D,
Thanks for letting me join,



New Member
IF anyone who has knoledgw on LED growing, please feel free to post in this thread links to the following so i dont annoy anyone:
Im looking for information on the best light (wattage amount/cost price) for result, im not trying to be CHEAP, but IF i can save money by researching/asking some shit first i would love to :)
Looking at like a 1.4 x 1.4 x 2 MAYBE a 2m square grow area,
Anyhelp will/would be appreciated im going to sift through the forums now :D


New Member
ah ok, i just wanted to try and avoid asking repetive questions others have asked and annoy people since i just joined thats all lol, i shall tho :D,
i dream of a sog led grow in 4 months i miss the quality of indoor so much :(


Well-Known Member
Been growing with LEDS for a good while now. Not to mention other types of systems. Stop by my thread anytime to check them out. ;)
IF anyone who has knoledgw on LED growing, please feel free to post in this thread links to the following so i dont annoy anyone:
Im looking for information on the best light (wattage amount/cost price) for result, im not trying to be CHEAP, but IF i can save money by researching/asking some shit first i would love to :)
Looking at like a 1.4 x 1.4 x 2 MAYBE a 2m square grow area,
Anyhelp will/would be appreciated im going to sift through the forums now :D


New Member
Thanks dank :D , i shall do right now, keep reading "they dont work" but i assume thats from people not understanding light spectrum/colours needed so reading/asking people in the know i think may be the best way to get REAL answers to my questions :D


Well-Known Member
I have 2 flowering rooms now. In room #1 I have going a 1,000 watt HPS & a 600 watt MH. Along with CFL'S running along the bottoms for lower popcorn growth. In flowering room #2 I have the 800 watt LED system that was special made from the UK. along with CFL'S along the sides for side growth and bottoms. From the time period I've been using mine I've honestly seen a big increase in the size of my buds, also the yields have been greater.And for the little bit of $ it costs to run a LED system, the end outcome beats that at to hell. However I like my HPS system 2.. :mrgreen:
scrap that previous dumb noob question/reading now lol