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  1. W

    Bubble bag hasch test results - démystification

    Yeah paint mixer and cement hand mixer is the same, really. It is the best tech I truely think.
  2. W

    Bubble bag hasch test results - démystification

    The weight is related on the ammount of trichomes on ur weed, of course. Mine's been made with overheated fluffy bigbud. Two personnal use plants ;D 220 g of shredded dry buds (bottom of weedbags) --- 19.274g complete cement mixer drill | result in a few gram in the first bag (green crap)...
  3. W

    Bubble bag hasch test results - démystification

    Hey! I know with the BHO and shit, old school hasch is not really popular anymore, but I ran 7 batches in a row with many different methods. It turned out that I got the best results with fresh buds, not blended, and with a cement mixer drill at low speed. 5 bags system with ice and distilled...
  4. W

    Leaf edges curling up

    I had this problem and it was caused by salt accumulation, because my plant was not leaking from the bottom when I was watering. You need to make sure water leaks under your plants, and take measurements of this water. The PH and PPM should be about the same as what you put in on top. If you...
  5. W

    How much molasses in flowering? anyone?

    A table spoon is 15 ml. A gallon is 3,79L. 15 divided by 3,79 = 3,96... ml / liter. ? or 8 per two liters... right. I think it is too much tho. I think the 1tbsp / gall came from a misunderstanding of what a tbsp is.. I heard it's 5 ml / gallon, then people converted it wrongly with a common...
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    Adding sugar during flowering?

    are you absolutely retarded? (on a friendly tone ;P )
  7. W

    Help, small hole

    I gave 600 ppm of 3-2-4 botanicaire and 200 ppm of CAL-MAG. Ill post pictures again soon. Today, new growths seem a bit better, but still rusty mini-holes. What suck is the law in Canada allows me 2-3 plants, if they are fucked i have to start all over again ><
  8. W

    Help, small hole

    Hello, I keep two plants indoor and i never had such a problem before. At first I though it was bugs, but i really did a big investigation and treatments and very new growth keep having them too. I never seen this before as i said, and I also can't find on internet the same kind of problem...
  9. W

    when does the 1st week of flowering begin after switching to 12/12?

    Well, most plants show sex in veg... You must flower very early.
  10. W

    Do roots grow during flowering stage?

    A smart pot starts by checking the law in your country... In canada, You better have 3x20 galons and make trees... Harper is a retard, so 1-3 plants is a ticket, jail if you are recidivist. 4-25 is 5-10 years or some shit..
  11. W

    how important is ph for soil grow??

    I set my shit to 6.4 during grow, and 6.2 during flowering.