Bubble bag hasch test results - démystification


New Member
I know with the BHO and shit, old school hasch is not really popular anymore, but I ran 7 batches in a row with many different methods. It turned out that I got the best results with fresh buds, not blended, and with a cement mixer drill at low speed. 5 bags system with ice and distilled water. I didnt extract a lot of green even if it's not hand made, but maybe it does depend on the grass.
Internet blabla with egg beater or hand made is bullshit to me, I got 4 grams more with my cement mixer, with the same ammount of weed.

here is my last batch.. imma smoke it all!IMG_20140513_070818.jpg

polo the don

Well-Known Member
I'm not too sure that's any good man. Send me a few grams and I'll let you know if it's worth smoking.

Looks good my friend.


bud bootlegger
do you think the extra weight came from more plant matter from using the drill?? i'm just asking m8, i'm far, far, far from a pro, but i've got a bag set and have been thinking of giving them a try.. i keep looking at french canoli's threads for inspiration..
very nice looking hash there though.. :D

Born Again Vegan

Active Member
Hello mate I've made bubble more than a few times, my favourite product from growing. I usually chuck in buds and trim in after they've dried, are you saying I get more when they're wet?
Awesome hunk of hash congrats!


New Member
The weight is related on the ammount of trichomes on ur weed, of course. Mine's been made with overheated fluffy bigbud. Two personnal use plants ;D

220 g of shredded dry buds (bottom of weedbags) --- 19.274g complete cement mixer drill | result in a few gram in the first bag (green crap), tons in the three last

220 g of fresh cut wet buds shredded in coffee grinder --- 24.545g half made with cement mixer and finished by hand with a woodstick (missed battery) | more green shit than dried, little less in the other two and more in the last one, browner and oily

220 g of chunky dry buds --- 22.312g Cement mixer drill | not a lot of green in the first bag, the two next are pure goldy shit, same in last bag

220 g of chunky fresh buds --- about 29 grams cement mixer drill | best looking in all of them (Picture up there, once dried)

220 g of shredded dry buds by hand (woodstick) --- 17g | nice looking shit, gotta admit xD

203 g of chunky fresh buds --- 16.007g with egg beater like the rhasta dude on youtube to verify if i would get less green and more gold, but I found out it sucks... | Almost no green tho, but poor results.. Had less weed cause i went out tho, but 17 g is not justified
I did a second run on the bad with a wood stick... and got shit, like half a gram.

And @racerboy ---> The matter you don't want that's in the plant, it's extracted into green hasch or brownish, which I didnt find in higher quantity with the cement mixer... I think it goes well!

Sorry for my retarded english, I'm not dyslexic, just frenchy! And for the maths, yeah,.. that does make 6.
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Well-Known Member
matt rize has an awesome video on making bubble. ive been using his tech for years now. I use a paint paddle, the kind that goes in a drill to mix paint up. I don't beat the shit out of my trim, but all my trim is shredded from my trimmer.


New Member
Yeah paint mixer and cement hand mixer is the same, really. It is the best tech I truely think.
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