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  1. ROCafellaheads

    Should I Transplant?

    Thanks for the help everyone, i transplanted very carefully in to five gallon pots. They should do well. Again i appreciate the advice.
  2. ROCafellaheads

    Should I Transplant?

    I am currently in the start of the second flowering week. I noticed when I transplanted my biggest plant, that the roots were very cramped. Do the roots need more space, or does it not matter in flowering. The pots the smaller two are in are 3 gallon pots. Would five gallon pots be okay to...
  3. ROCafellaheads

    First Grow: White Rhino

    I need to transplant the other two because the roots are looking for room. I transplanted the biggest one and it looked like those roots wanted to break through the pot itself lol. But no buds yet, just white hairs. Looking pretttttty.
  4. ROCafellaheads

    should i prune?

    nobody needs that rubbish on these threads bro, go get a bitch for once so your mind doesn't have time to think that garbage up. anyway. yeah bro I wanna see pics from after you cut those sickly leaves off.
  5. ROCafellaheads

    Newbie Hydro grower please help

    Wow. That is pretty much everything I needed to know for the first two weeks of AG in one thread post. I have a soil garden as well so it is so hard to not get stuff mixed up. Even though there are people growing hundreds more plants than I am. But thanks a lot for taking the time out to help I...
  6. ROCafellaheads

    Newbie Hydro grower please help

    Great help everyone thanks alot. Guess nobody knows the simple steps of hydro
  7. ROCafellaheads

    Clone in Aerogarden

    great sounds good. thanks alot man
  8. ROCafellaheads

    Clone in Aerogarden

    well that's great news. how do I go about it? just take the clone and put the stalk right into the sponge thing?
  9. ROCafellaheads

    Clone in Aerogarden

    I have three female plants that have been in 12-12 cycle under HPS for just about 5 days now. I am wondering if I can take a clone from one of those females and put it in my aerogarden. I am totally new to cloning and have no idea. I am not sure if it is bad to take clones from anything other...
  10. ROCafellaheads

    aro garden and good clones.. this is how you do it...

    shit I was going to say that would be insane if you could do that from seed.
  11. ROCafellaheads

    I do everything right, plants still dying.

    are you pH'ing the water and soil?
  12. ROCafellaheads

    Is this plant a hermie?

    yeah I would do that but the male was just a regular bag seed so I thought it was pointless. It wasn't too bad chopping it down because I do have three white rhino ladies hanging out. But I have to say it was a perfect looking plant. RIP boy.
  13. ROCafellaheads

    Is this plant a hermie?

    how is it still smokeable? there are no buds.
  14. ROCafellaheads


    thanks for the link man
  15. ROCafellaheads

    Is this plant a hermie?

    I chopped that bitch down
  16. ROCafellaheads

    should i prune?

    I grow white rhino in 72-77 degrees the whole grow and my stems are purple. So that has nothing to do with why the stems are purp.
  17. ROCafellaheads

    I do everything right, plants still dying.

    where are the pics broooo?
  18. ROCafellaheads

    aro garden and good clones.. this is how you do it...

    How long did you veg. for? I have the same aerogarden with a few seedlings and I was wondering how I would flower under this thing, but it's crazy to see you actually can. What light cycle did you put them on for flower?
  19. ROCafellaheads

    First Grow: White Rhino

    Thats sick dude. I just transplanted the biggest on. When you create a thread or whatever do "go advanced". Then go to "Manage Attachments" then you should be able to upload your pics from your computer.