aro garden and good clones.. this is how you do it...


Well-Known Member
soo i just bought one of these today for the hell if it to throw 7 good sensi star clones.. in each pod/
... seven..from these i know how much my plant will produce...7 to 14 grams when flowered at 8 inc..hs... sooo im looking at 70 grams give or take for this experiment... which i think this is very doable pics will me up later tonight... feed back would be welcomed but i aready know what im doing... nutes are going to be the full Holland sercret line.... with ton of bud, cal max, supper B ect....


Well-Known Member
are right guys. . this is at day 3 of being in the garden.... i have an air stone in side thats giving it done of o2 and i turned down the pump to low soo it wont over flood the top part..the roots are aready starting to grow into the res..all white hairs and fuzzy..good times... the ppm is at 400 and i have added supper b.. and hydro gard..along with week one nutes...

de pending on the way these take to the system i will fower out at roughly 6 to 9 inch.or tigh them all down and super crop them...



Well-Known Member
I'm in...:o
naturalhigh said:
Very interested in what you end up with...:leaf:

I am in week 5 of flowering an AG with clones myself... check it out sometime (see sig)...

Well good luck to you... and keep us posted...

I'll just pull up a chair here in the corner and watch...:weed:




Well-Known Member
hey everyone..sorry for the no update..i have been busy... finalizing the main room...the 12 feet by 7 feet stadium ( see second pic) however as you can see in the first pic..the clones are doing very well..not soo big as the ones in the second pic... only about 4 to 6 inchs... some of the ones in the second pic are a foot tall while others are 8 inchs... that all depended on where they were to the relationship of how clost they were to the middle 1000 watt MH ( both clones were taken at the same time..) there all at 1 week flower and had 2 weeks veg time.... time will tell... i am not going to add any light to the AG or should I? i was more going to do atest run on how much bud one could truely get with just an AG stock and good clones... well im out pc



Well-Known Member for flower..preflowers are showing... this is looking good and im thinging i may hit my 2 oz mark goal...lets hope...


Well-Known Member
Hey I just got the same aerogarden. The pods mine came with look different though, they are like gray sponges with a slit for the seed. What are you using? It looks like soil.


Well-Known Member
i took the pods out and i used some clones that where in rapid rooter plugs..i picked at the top of them soo they fit in with out cloging the good..

Hey I just got the same aerogarden. The pods mine came with look different though, they are like gray sponges with a slit for the seed. What are you using? It looks like soil.


Well-Known Member
to be honest with you..the main part isnt even hooked up..just the light with a running it like a cheap bubbler... buty when i was vegging i used the toms...seting


Well-Known Member
yeah I guess thats good though cause then you can pick your own light cycle. You just have it plugged in to a timer or some shit?


Well-Known Member for flower..preflowers are showing... this is looking good and im thinging i may hit my 2 oz mark goal...lets hope...
Looking good man...

I really like the "real"

You prob will hit your mark... sounds like you know what you are doing...

I got 1.2oz dried and cured from this AG grow...

I flowered 3" clones and LST'd them heavily...

Oh and check the new garden tray for the AG... sweet cloner....

Best of luck mate...




Well-Known Member
yup yup...7.30 at echerds..for there heavy duty will cost 17 at a hydroshop and its the same one,,,,lol


Well-Known Member
How long did you veg. for? I have the same aerogarden with a few seedlings and I was wondering how I would flower under this thing, but it's crazy to see you actually can. What light cycle did you put them on for flower?


Well-Known Member
How long did you veg. for? I have the same aerogarden with a few seedlings and I was wondering how I would flower under this thing, but it's crazy to see you actually can. What light cycle did you put them on for flower?


No comments... Vett your shit ROCKS!!!!!!
Vette, this one was for you... freaking KING of the AG...!!!!

yeah you gypsy.

How long did you veg. for? I have the same aerogarden with a few seedlings and I was wondering how I would flower under this thing, but it's crazy to see you actually can. What light cycle did you put them on for flower?
I didn't veg...

I didn't have seedlings either...

Yes you can... but I cheated... lots of extra lights... lots...

Vette is the man... I got lucky...

If you take a peek at my journal, you will find it very detailed... wilth lots of photos..

But here's what I did... the "cliff note"

I got 3 rooted clones...

took 4 cuttings from them and put them all in the AG...

As soon as I saw roots poking out... I switched to 12/12... it took less than a week...

I then flowered them 12/12 for exactly 8 weeks...

As for the AG.. all I ended up using was the res...

The base and lights were on some other plants... for my grow, it was just a plastic tub...

hope this answers your questions...

I cloned... no way to do what I did with seeds... sorry...