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  1. nicols94

    HELP!!! - Clones not rooting...

    ok.. so based on the responses its obvious that I have over watered cause the part of the cutting that is in the medium is turning brown... the rest of the clone looks very healthy and there is new growth... can I just cut these ones above the medium and start over?? I squeezed the rooter plugs...
  2. nicols94

    HELP!!! - Clones not rooting...

    Im using a 125w cfl for cloning..
  3. nicols94

    HELP!!! - Clones not rooting...

    i cut them about 2 weeks ago... did not flush and its big bud..
  4. nicols94

    HELP!!! - Clones not rooting...

    ok... so should I try to start over...? I think i watered em too much... will cutting them above the soil and restarting be ok or...?
  5. nicols94

    HELP!!! - Clones not rooting...

    can i just cut these clones again and start over??
  6. nicols94

    HELP!!! - Clones not rooting...

    cmon... anyone???
  7. nicols94

    HELP!!! - Clones not rooting...

    I grew em from seed... i didnt know which ones were male or female. I took them a day before going to 12/12, I used stim-root #2 hormone into rapid rooter plugs, I watered with ph'd water with some holland secret Super b+ and Grozyme.
  8. nicols94

    HELP!!! - Clones not rooting...

    K guys... Heres the deal, I took clones of my 16 plants before switching to 12/12... I thought they were doing good, they didnt droop at all and there is new growth... Yesterday I found a couple males in my room so I killed em and removed those clones from the dome... In curiosity I wanted to...
  9. nicols94

    Check out my First Grow.. PICS!!! Big Bud from seed.

    Soooo.... turns out all my plants are female, I was counting on at least 6 of em males... Now I have 16 plants in a 3x3 space... what should I do? leave em or cull the weakest ones?
  10. nicols94

    Check out my First Grow.. PICS!!! Big Bud from seed.

    Yea man... uhh.. I got those cause they said it was an easy strain to grow and get a good yield... I already have other seeds on order... Had to start somewhere right..
  11. nicols94

    Check out my First Grow.. PICS!!! Big Bud from seed.

    Yea... I'm extremely excited - gonna be a long 2 months haa
  12. nicols94

    Check out my First Grow.. PICS!!! Big Bud from seed.

    Thanks... Hopefully I cruise through these next 2 months...
  13. nicols94

    Check out my First Grow.. PICS!!! Big Bud from seed.

    Yea I just can't wait to smoke it...:bigjoint:
  14. nicols94

    Check out my First Grow.. PICS!!! Big Bud from seed.

    Alright guys... Finally have an update for you. I just switched em to 12/12 yesterday, hopefully they show sex soon so I can get the males out of there and make more room for the ladies. I built a clone box and took clones from each plant, hopefully they live... I wanna get a mother and keep...
  15. nicols94

    Check out my First Grow.. PICS!!! Big Bud from seed.

    I transplanted after 1.5 weeks but they were root bound, I think I'll do it after 1 week next time I grow from seed, I'll be cloning these bitches to get a mother thats forsure. As for them being bushy, it might be DNA, this is my first grow, I haven't done anything special, using good nutes...
  16. nicols94

    Check out my First Grow.. PICS!!! Big Bud from seed.

    these are yesterdays. these are the same plants... craziness
  17. nicols94

    Check out my First Grow.. PICS!!! Big Bud from seed.

    This is less than 24 hours since the last photos. I bumped up the nutes yesterday and these things are blowing up...
  18. nicols94

    Advice about my grow room...

    Why don't you put your fans at the top of the room for exhaust and have a passive air intake near the floor, that would give you good top to bottom air flow if they are on the opposite sides of the room.
  19. nicols94

    Check out my First Grow.. PICS!!! Big Bud from seed.

    Thanks man, I hope I can keep it up - ill be posting more as the grow continues.
  20. nicols94

    Check out my First Grow.. PICS!!! Big Bud from seed.

    Nice... The sizes are very comparable, what kind of nutes do you use?