HELP!!! - Clones not rooting...


Active Member
K guys... Heres the deal, I took clones of my 16 plants before switching to 12/12... I thought they were doing good, they didnt droop at all and there is new growth... Yesterday I found a couple males in my room so I killed em and removed those clones from the dome... In curiosity I wanted to see how the root development was to find that there are no roots and the bottom of the stem where the roots should shoot is a brown color... Please tell me how I can save these babies... I was thinking of cutting the clones just above the soil and restarting... any ideas???


Active Member
if you took the clones from a female mother plant you shouldnt be getting male clones. clones are exact genetics of the mother plant. but when did you take them? do you use rooting hormones or anything? what kind of starter plugs are they in? i guess just what method did you use to take the clones and we can find the problem..


Active Member
I grew em from seed... i didnt know which ones were male or female. I took them a day before going to 12/12, I used stim-root #2 hormone into rapid rooter plugs, I watered with ph'd water with some holland secret Super b+ and Grozyme.


Well-Known Member
heating pad under the humidity dome floor, mist them and leave them be. nothing else you can do. some alot harder to clone than others


Well-Known Member
stick with it bro, if you keep the leaves too wet they wont have reason to grow roots just mist the inside of your humity dome not the clones and make sure their not standing in a puddle and the medium can drain :peace:


Active Member
ok... so should I try to start over...? I think i watered em too much... will cutting them above the soil and restarting be ok or...?


Well-Known Member
ok... so should I try to start over...? I think i watered em too much... will cutting them above the soil and restarting be ok or...?
i never really recut a clone b4 me personally i would wait it out how long has it been since you cut em


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recut either,

If you think the cubes are too soggy then give them a little squeeze.

And yeah when did you start them/ how long they been cut for?

And what strain?

And did you flush the parent plants b4 you cloned them???


Well-Known Member
Well firstly Big bud is a bitch to clone (In my opinion)

Secondly, Clones root faster when they have high levels of carbohydrate and low levels of nitrogen. To achieve this I flush my mothers with plain water for a week before taking cuttings.

Id keep the humidity high, Keep the root cubes around 75 f and not too wet and keep my fingers crossed.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Oh and what light are you using for your cuttings?

I usually find that the less intense the light is the more inclined they are to develop roots.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
this might be obvious but make sure you are cutting your fan leaves short. that way the clone doesn't pull nitrogen from the fan leaves


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
If the leaves are still healthy , I would try re-cutting the bottom , and give it another go. Make sure that the cutting is well into the cube / pot / soil , whatever medium you are using , and that they are not exposed to too much air. A heat pad under the plants will help , and don't overdo the nutrients.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
if your stems are turning brown that means you have overwatered them causing stem rot. only water when they are dry to the touch.other than that just mist your dome to keep the humidity up. also if you scrape the stems alittle bit with a razor knife to remove the outer layer a bit then apply rooting hormone will help speed up the proccess.if i were you i would trash em and start over.are your plants starting to flower yet?if your not to far into flowering (like no signs of bud yet) then i would just take another round of clippings and start over.i find that cuttings actually root a little easier after you switch to flowering due to the low levels of nitrogen in your bloom ferts.just make sure there are no flowers yet or it will take even longer to root them