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  1. L

    3 1/2 week old AUTO FLOWER, Might be a Hermaphrodite?? TAKE A LOOK(PICS)

    also growing auto and wish it to be a hermi!! i could do with a couple of seeds!! one question though, would the seeds be auto flowers too?
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    This autoflower is 2 weeks old. Should I just start over?

    so how did your baby do at last???? probably just the strain type!! shee looked healthy enough!
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    lil' Patricia, watch her grow! (auto fasberry)

    So, this is my 3rd attempt at growing, and the most successful so far! (now i am certain the first too died because they were bag seeds! DO NOT EXPECT MUCH FROM BAG SEEDS, THEY WILL GIVE YOU A HEART ATTACK!!) although they helped me do a lot of research which aided my 3rd grow. week 1: as you...
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    Stunted 2 and a half week old white widow seedling. Please help!

    i guessed so! but i have no way to measure! i'll see what i can do! thanks
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    Stunted Seedling 1 week Old! cotyledons dried out already

    1. no its not sheep sheet))) its some kind of soft bark that came with the soil i bought! looks soaked cuz i just watered it. 3. i germinated in "damp" paper towel not in "wet" soil 4. temp is at about 20-25 C 5. i mentioned 16th floor cuz humidity probably differs from the 1st floor soil...
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    Stunted Seedling 1 week Old! cotyledons dried out already

    Hi experienced stoner, newbie farmer here! this is my second attempt at growing happiness! i burnt the first attempt with neuts! forgive me! This right here is the second attempt 1 week after germination! small pot (250 ml) what is wrong with it??? i have 3 cfl bulbs about 4 inches away no...
  7. L

    Stunted 2 and a half week old white widow seedling. Please help!

    Hi experienced stoner, newbie farmer here! this is my second attempt at growing happiness! i burnt the first attempt with neuts! forgive me! This right here is the second attempt 1 week after germination! small pot (250 ml) (its a bag seed) what is wrong with it??? i have 3 cfl bulbs about 4...