Stunted Seedling 1 week Old! cotyledons dried out already


New Member
View attachment 2968678Hi experienced stoner, newbie farmer here! this is my second attempt at growing happiness! i burnt the first attempt with neuts! forgive me!
This right here is the second attempt 1 week after germination! small pot (250 ml)
what is wrong with it???
i have 3 cfl bulbs about 4 inches away
no over-watering, i made sure!
1 cotyledon leaf dried out in 2 days
the second started drying but slowly!
my room is warm, but i live on the 16th floor(is that a problem?)
NOTE: IT TOO ABOUT 2-3 WEEKS FOR THE SEED TO GERMINATE (6 seeds, only this one succeeded)

can any happy fellow help me understand what i'm doing wrong? or is my plant just misbehaving?


Well-Known Member
It looks like it's growing in sheep shit. You said no over watering, but the medium looks soaked. Even for the seeds to take that long to pop is an indicator that something is fucky.


Well-Known Member
i have 3 cfl bulbs about 4 inches away
my room is warm, but i live on the 16th floor(is that a problem?)
NOTE: IT TOO ABOUT 2-3 WEEKS FOR THE SEED TO GERMINATE (6 seeds, only this one succeeded)
The 16th floor? How would that affect your seedling? Now that's Funny.

Most seeds germinate in 2-5 days. If I did not see a seedling emerge in 2 weeks I think I would be pretty sure it rotted in an overwatered soil. Which I think is your problem.


New Member
1. no its not sheep sheet))) its some kind of soft bark that came with the soil i bought! looks soaked cuz i just watered it.
3. i germinated in "damp" paper towel not in "wet" soil
4. temp is at about 20-25 C
5. i mentioned 16th floor cuz humidity probably differs from the 1st floor
soil is not the problem! i have orchids grow well in them
overwatering is definitely not the problem, i already made that mistake and wount make it again (i hope)
i read somewhere that a seed took 10 days to germinate and still did very well, but i dont know if i couls say the same fore mine!
but it definitely did not rot
reply much appreciated))
any other suggestions?


Well-Known Member
move lights back to 8 inches away. have a very low breeze with a fan blowing across it and pray.