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  1. Dutchy018

    RO Mineral Suppliments

    Hey Aeroknown, do you use a suppliment filter with your RO system, then add calmag+? I'm wondering when I should start, I usually try to hold off until a week or so after veg, but with RO water maybe I should start sooner rather than later, maybe with 1/4 strength? Also wondering if I will...
  2. Dutchy018

    RO Mineral Suppliments

    I usually use calmag ferts when needed in addition to foxfarm soil nutes as a weekly regemin so yeah I don't know if magnesium is nessasery here.. I plan on using the RO res for drinking and cooking water as well so this seems like a good choice, not sure if it has the desired level of calcium...
  3. Dutchy018

    RO Mineral Suppliments

    Hey all, I'm getting this RO system: iSpring 75GPD 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System, Model RCC7 Ouestion is what, if any, mineral suppliments should I add back? They sell inline filters for this exact purpose, just wondering if I should add one or not. Any suggestions? Thanks
  4. Dutchy018

    Smoke shop

    Hey bud, if your gonna sell Hookah tobacco, might as well set up a lounge with a few Hookah tables ready to go which allows your customers to chill and try your product out. Like Starbucks, have you ever hung out at a Starbucks without buying a mocha frap or something? I havent see something...
  5. Dutchy018

    these guys are smoking crack

    all autos are reg.. they're prob tryin to sell you on harevst/yield whatever.. thing is pretty much all autos are the same regardless of sativa/indica strains.. 60-70 days to harvest, yield about 3-5oz with avergae smoke. Don't let anyone try to tell ya different.
  6. Dutchy018

    Heavy weight and vast grow

    Lookin good, I grew 2 Heavyweight Vast and Fast autos from herbies my last go around, from seed to harvest it took about 70 days under 2 300w chinese LEDs that yielded about 4-5oz each. They're super easy with an okayish smoke, kinda harsh like mid-grade... definatly a sneaker high lol.. creeps...
  7. Dutchy018

    What do you use to kill spidermites?

    +1, habanero spray does actually work, just don't get it on your hands or in your eyes, burns like a mrfr. Neem oil works as a soil drench, not sure how it would work purley as a foiliage spray.
  8. Dutchy018

    Best Hiding Places?

    Rent a safety deposit box. Vent ducts, tape everything down so it doesn't blow all through your house. Take up the carpet in a closet, hide your shit under the floor boards and put the carpet back. Take out your refrigerator's plastic insert, tape your shit to the inside. Dig a hole. Shove...
  9. Dutchy018

    Best organic potting soil from seed to harvest

    Hey all, After my latest FoxFarms Ocean Forest snafu, I'm looking for a good, out of the bag, potting soil that's safe for seedlings and has enough organic nutrients to last well into veg. My last 2 grows, I've used FFOF without issue, however with my current grow, both plants are showing...
  10. Dutchy018

    Yellowing leaf tips?

    Thanks for the advice man, I will definatly be using rapid rooter plugs with my next grow, or happy frog as skidsteer suggested
  11. Dutchy018

    Yellowing leaf tips?

    So I let it go for a few days and its getting worse :-? It's too far along to transplant so I'm hoping it subsides in a few days. What's weird is the other one is doing fine, same soil and watering schedule so I'm thinking it's either genetics or a hot bag of FFOF. Just for a comparison, the...
  12. Dutchy018

    Yellowing leaf tips?

    Yeah thanks man, IDK I've started seedlings in it before without any issues. I guess it just depends on genetics..?
  13. Dutchy018

    Yellowing leaf tips?

    Really? I'm using FFOF, never had any problems starting seedlings in it before. I haven't started nutes yet, not even sure if I'm going to. This is surprising since the other one is doing pretty good, same strain and watering schedule.
  14. Dutchy018

    Yellowing leaf tips?

    Sup all, I have two autos that sprouted around the same time, about two weeks ago. One is doing well while the other is starting to show yellowing leaf tips. It's under a 300w LED with an actual draw of 180w in FFOF, tap water no nutes, just ordered a PPM meter, I've been letting 1 gal jugs...
  15. Dutchy018

    Restricted air flow through inline carbon filter

    Yep, tried it with and without the fabric filter as well, same problem. Tried connecting it both to intake and exhaust sides, still restricted.. I was hoping there would be some jedi trick lol
  16. Dutchy018

    Restricted air flow through inline carbon filter

    So I just bought a 4" VenTech inline fan that came with a Virgin charcoal carbon filter. 2 days of use and no air flow. I opened my tent this morning and noticed the temps were high, like 89F and the humidity was at 65%, so I put my hand over the exhaust and noticed absolutely no air being...
  17. Dutchy018

    Mites in my soil

    I just ordered some neem oil, going to try a soil drench when the first set of leaves come in which should be in a few days, I've read it kills off most infestations in a matter of weeks while leaving beneficial insects alone.. If there are still critters roaming about my soil after a few doses...
  18. Dutchy018

    Mites in my soil

    Thanks for the help Cascadian! Reading through jointed's thread, I came across this link : I'm not positive but it did look similar, not too crazy about having mites in my grow tent, beneficial or not, they should have disclosed it upfront...
  19. Dutchy018

    Mites in my soil

    Yeah, there's a lot of useful info there, does the pepper juice work and can I apply it to soil? I'm seriously debating just going to the store and getting another bag of FFOF then transplanting the tap root with tweezers or something unless there is a better solution.
  20. Dutchy018

    Mites in my soil

    I don't think they're spider mites, more like soil mites or something, it was pretty big and brownish in color. I don't have a pic but it was crawling around the taproot, seedlings still haven't shed their cases yet. Thanks for the link tho, lookin good!