Search results

  1. Dutchy018

    AIO climate control

    Haven't exactly found what I'm looking for, I've been searching for an all in one thermostat/humidistat controller that acts like a timer with high and low settings to turn on fan if temps get to high or turn on humidifier if RH dips below 40%. I don't have time in the day to periodically...
  2. Dutchy018

    Milliard tent setup

    got a link? I was actually looking at this one Its listed as frequently bought with the 4in VenTech and its cheap. I'm thinking 4in should pull enough air from the Milliard tent given its size.
  3. Dutchy018

    Ideas for small business?

    If you don't have any marketable skills, I'm afraid your SOL at least until you develop some. Internet marketing is a goldmine if you do the research. Start a blog on something your passionate about, and once you have a following, become a publisher by signing up with multiple affiliate...
  4. Dutchy018

    Milliard tent setup

    Nice, however I'm more concerned with the electric bill, and an HPS compared to CFL is no contest. You say a week or two of veg, is there possibly a CFL alternative to the Apollo lighting system? I also like the idea of mounting the light vertically, that would defiantly be ideal for...
  5. Dutchy018

    Milliard tent setup

    So I've got a closet with a wall return vent that's perfect for an exaughst. In searching for a small tent, I came across a Milliard 30x18x36in Anyone have it? Just wondering if its practical to grow 2-3 indicas in a 3ft vertical space w/...
  6. Dutchy018

    Lost my seed shipment

    sounds like attitude is too hot for anyone in the states, what's the likleyhood of an order to the northeast getting snagged by customs?
  7. Dutchy018

    the strain thats always in your line up

    Yet another classy strain from PSBC, his blueberry is another one on my list.
  8. Dutchy018

    Good toker jobs?

    Start your own business doing whatever you want to do. Degrees don't mean squat compared to experience. If you have experience in a particular field, freelance the shit out of it and spend the extra couple hundred a month on decent healthcare, none of that obamacare bullshit. Don't quit...
  9. Dutchy018

    the strain thats always in your line up

    Northern Lights pure strain from PeakseedsBC.. timeless smoke and so damn easy, just sit back and watch the grass grow... ;)
  10. Dutchy018

    help with seedlings

    Your plants should definitely start to veg at 2 weeks, what strain and when/how much are you watering? IMHO in seedling stage you should only water enough to airate the soil and retain the container's metric volume, only in vegitative stage should you water to the point of 30% runoff, otherwise...
  11. Dutchy018

    Where can i get a good trichome microscope?

    I actually got a microlense off Amazon for $12 that attaches to a case for my phone so I can take pics, its a little on the cheese side but does what it says, x60 plus camera zoom its more like x80 and an LED. There are also apps that increase magnification if you need it. If you really...
  12. Dutchy018

    Brittle fan leaves

    Thanks for the replies guys, high/low temps are 79/64 F and RH is 60/40% I do have a fan blowing directly on them, I usually like to have some osculation for stem and root health however it seems that is not recommended? I was also thinking a lite misting may keep them moist and prevent...
  13. Dutchy018

    Brittle fan leaves

    I have a plant 2 1/2 weeks into veg and the lower fan leaves started to crack while training under a screen. It's an NL pure strain, mostly Indica. The lower fan leaves are about the size of my hand and the screen is about 5in above the soil line. Is it normal for fan leaves to become brittle...
  14. Dutchy018

    Auto newbie

    "moms cfl's"? Not sure what your implying there, I've used 6500k/2700k cfls for veg/flower on photoperiods and they work well, conserve energy, burn pretty cool and cost a few bucks to replace. The post is about which autos can be harvested in the least amount of time, not whether or not I...
  15. Dutchy018

    Auto newbie

    Hey guys, I'm looking for some advice on fast harvesting autos, hopefully someone can help me out! I have a 2X3ft stealth cab with 4 CFL fixtures, I'm looking for something that is feminized and yields well. I'm not too concerned about quality, just something that I can harvest in 60 days or...
  16. Dutchy018

    Fast Growing Autoflower - 60 days or less!

    Anyone ever try this one? 8 weeks!? :lol:
  17. Dutchy018

    Fast Growing Autoflower - 60 days or less!

    I'm looking for a fast finishing autoflower preferably feminized that will grow well under CFLs. I've heard good things about DNA genetics, Low Ryder #2 and Afghan kush. I'm basically looking for something that will produce ok product in 60 days or less just to fill my jars while a Norther...
  18. Dutchy018

    overnight yellow leavez in veg.

    Nutes could be your problem, it was for me the first time around. Since ffof is pretty hot to begin with, you should be feeding just with water until well into veg, maybe even hold off on nutes until flowering or until your plants start showing deficiency. Pics would help.
  19. Dutchy018

    How yellow is too yellow?

    Thanks, the NL is from peekseeds and apparently vegges pretty quickly so I may be able to get away no nutes until flower, we'll see. I was looking for the simplest nutes I could find and wound up getting the FF soil trio because of good reviews and simple feeding schedule, although their...
  20. Dutchy018

    How yellow is too yellow?

    Ok, I'm thinking I should hold off until some deficiency shows, so how yellow should I let it get?