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  1. cartman

    First time outdoor plant problems

    Ok this is my first outdoor grow and I've only got one plant. its in a raised bed. I just noticed one of the buds looks moldy or something but i'm not sure what it is. I'm looking for some help from you guys to see what I should do. should i just cut the affected bud top off, cut the whole...
  2. cartman

    Is my plant gonna bud...

    ^^^^ LOL what he said. Its a very skinny female
  3. cartman

    Can Anyone Tell Me If This Fungus Is Safe To Eat?

    looks like rotten banana peels. I've also never seen anything like that before, I wouldnt eat the personally.
  4. cartman

    Future .... best case scenario

    Elaborate, Daath.
  5. cartman

    Future .... best case scenario

    Holy shit... I saw this thread earlier today, then I was just watchin Jeapordy on TV and they've got 2 humans and one AI. Its insane AI was kickin humans ass. Then they were showing how they trained the AI and it was some guys from IBM. AI would break the answer down into a few key words then...
  6. cartman

    Hbwr seeds

    well, hows it feel man???
  7. cartman

    Frequency of use

    around 4 times a year... I think It makes it much more meaningful when you havent tripped for 4months and then you dose. But what do I know...
  8. cartman

    So you can use either fresh cactus skins or dried chips, whatever you do dont grind the chunks...

    So you can use either fresh cactus skins or dried chips, whatever you do dont grind the chunks up- leave them whole. Step1: Add cactus chunks to water and simmer for a while (lets say 1-3 hours) .You can also squeeze lemon juice into water to help with extraction but this is optional. Step2...
  9. cartman

    Citric Acid During Mescaline Extraction?

    Ok, general rule of thumb that I use when preparing tea is to use 1 part lemon juice to 3 parts water. When I prepared 20g powdered cactus chips, I squeezed 1 whole lemon into a measuring cup and ended up with 1/3 cup of fresh lemon juice. So I added my 1/3 cup citric acid to 1 cup of water...
  10. cartman

    Humidity for mushies??

    You can build a shotgun terrarium buy drilling 1/4 inch holes 2 inches apart on all 6 sides of a clear rubbermaid. Fill with 5 inches of perlite after rinsing the perlite and draining excess water off. Mist 3 times a day and fan 5 times a day. Just use a fine mist spray bottle.
  11. cartman

    What things can I make around my house? or buy to make?

    I cant believe I'm actually reading this.... Wait ...actually this dosnt surprise me one bit. kids these days.
  12. cartman


    Not sure on the above question, but would you recommend the passion flower? I have some growing in my front yard and heard its also a mild MAOI. Thinking of combining it with my next shroom trip and see how it works.
  13. cartman

    Trippy Books

    ha, nice post nullis! Is that quote from a book? If so which book?
  14. cartman

    how do you flush a mushroom cake??

    Check out and do some research. Basically once you harvest the fruits you dunk the cake in cold water for 24 hours and place it back into the fruiting chamber. Its gonna take you a very long time to learn how to grow if you ask 1 question at a time on a weed forum. Do...
  15. cartman

    JealousGreen's adventure in mycology.. . . . please help

    whats the point of putting them in the fridge for 36 hours before dunking? never heard of that neing done before.
  16. cartman

    Trippy Books

    How is it Swag? I've heard of spirit molecule quite a bit around the forums but never got a chance to check it out. is it more on a scientific level or is it written for the layman?
  17. cartman

    The Mindscape of ALLAN MOORE

    Funny how all this information we have obtained dosnt really make any one individual smarter though. The idiot walking into poles on the sidewalk while texting on his smartphone for example. I guess the only ones who actually get any smarter are the ones that go out and find the new...
  18. cartman

    Canada oooo canada

    out?!?! I wish i knew of people who were out of lucy, that would be a great starting point lol
  19. cartman

    Canada oooo canada

    I have never even seen or heard of any Lucy anywhere around me EVER. lol. And i know of quite a few connects. Maybe i dont know the right people. Good luck with your search, let me know if you find her.
  20. cartman

    ANC is my hero -shrooms

    sounds good... So do you think I'd still get the same amount of flushes with halved cakes compared to full cakes?