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  1. cannabis chris

    312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.

    Hey dude, I'm doing something very similar to your grow, but in two 50 gal Rubbermaids. I've got the 150 cooltubed econolight plus about 8 cfls give or take depending on how hot it is outside (yeah it's December but, fuck Florida it's 80 degrees!)... I came across your thread a week or two ago...
  2. cannabis chris

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    Yeah dude you've got the spectrum spot on but I suggest using more lights/watts for flowering than you do for vegging, it'll work either way though.
  3. cannabis chris

    Questions on CFL grow

    Your best bet on that one is just to check out your local hydro store. If you don't have one check out Hydroponics | Hydroponic Supplies I don't know if they ship to the US but I don't see why they wouldn't. Everyone seems to favor Fox Farm nutes check out the Grow FAQ or search function to...
  4. cannabis chris

    NEW CFL setup

    Plenty of wattage for 5 lowryders, just make sure you keep the plants 1" to 3" away from the lights
  5. cannabis chris

    CFL Grow#3 *PICS*

    Good luck dude hope you don't get any more males
  6. cannabis chris

    Butter or Oil? Which do you prefer?

    I use whatever the recipe calls for, usually. I hear butter can absorb more thc but oil is less likely to burn, and is usually less work in my experience. Both have performed really well for me though. I just made a batch of brownies using vegetable oil and they work as good as they taste.
  7. cannabis chris

    cfl's V's hid's

    Usually the smaller in size the fewer watts, so both. But it's better to have many small CFLs surrounding a plant instead of a few bigger CFLs that don't give good coverage.
  8. cannabis chris

    Got drunk, lights on for 14.5 hours :(.

    Yeah dude 14+12=26 but it doesn't have to equal 24. Some timers limit you to 24-hour schedules but a lot of the digital ones have some decent cycle options. Plus he wasn't even using a timer at first so he wasn't bound by a 24-hour sched.
  9. cannabis chris

    no answers but much hating !

    If you're upset about all this "hate", the last thing you should do is dish it right back. We're pot heads and are supposed to love everybody :(
  10. cannabis chris

    Just finished, 3oz / plant

    Just imagining going through that makes me want to :spew: Sorry dude
  11. cannabis chris

    Can CFL's that are 100w+ be used in standard lamps?

    I wouldn't use them in a socket that specifically states 60w is the max, but those 105ers (at least the ones I have) are designed to fit in a standard size socket so just find one with a higher rating to be safe. Wouldn't want a bad spark to burn down your plants/house, etc.:fire:
  12. cannabis chris

    Just finished, 3oz / plant

    Looks like a good yield but I dunno about 3 oz. Looking forward to final measurements. :leaf:
  13. cannabis chris

    My second all CFL grow

    Oh well it just looked like it to me. I don't know if it will work I'm not familiar with it.
  14. cannabis chris

    My second all CFL grow

    Oh and as far as hanging your lights sideways, try using those Y-splitters I see sitting on the side. They won't be completely sideways but they'll still have better coverage.
  15. cannabis chris

    My second all CFL grow

    Get rid of the aluminum foil immediately! It creates hot spots on the plant. Opt for mylar instead. I've got two of those 105W going into my next grow so I hope you see good results! You probably won't need too many more bulbs for just one plant, but make sure you have enough to get light to all...
  16. cannabis chris

    Flowering Early? Been Vegging 25 days

    You likely won't see growth overnight, but in the next few weeks you should see your plant rocket in size.
  17. cannabis chris

    Flowering Early? Been Vegging 25 days

    No matter how long you decide to veg, make sure you will be able to give your plant proper light coverage. ICU is right, the longer you veg, the bigger the plant and potential yield (in theory). But CFLs have poor penetration, so the lights basically need to surround the plant to ensure it's...
  18. cannabis chris

    Flowering Early? Been Vegging 25 days

    In his book, GK flowered at 16 days and each of his plants yielded double or triple your 1 oz goal. It depends on your setup, genetics, and skill, but it definitely is possible.