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  1. Herbmayn225

    Can I switch nutes?

    Awesome thanks, I think it's technically hydro btw, it's perlite and vermiculite in buckets, I mix nutes in a barrel and hand feed them.. I appreciate it snaps, that's a big relief, I'll still order some more but this should get them through the next couple days
  2. Herbmayn225

    ripping off bud while the plant grows?

    Classic lol, I hope it's not bad, I do it every once in a while, but yes, you're smoking nutes, I know I can taste them, not sure how good that is for you [or me] cigarettes gotta be worse though
  3. Herbmayn225

    Can I switch nutes?

    I ran outve my Advanced Nutrients PH perfect 3-part, I have a plenty of AN Jungle juice 3-part, I'm 5 weeks into flowering, can I change nutrients like that?? At least for 1 or 2 feeds?
  4. Herbmayn225

    Help me to prepare for the grow. What else do I need besides nutes and bennies?

    I, personally, use 5:1 perlite:vermiculite in 5 gallon buckets, and they're hand-watered...I didn't know using a tea with synthetics was taboo and I've been doing it for a few cycles now, it's a fish-based tea but at the same time I treat it like an additive with my advanced nutrients cycle...
  5. Herbmayn225

    First Timer- Rubbermaid Setup

    Ah, of course, duh lol...well good stuff, I'm excited to see what it turns out!
  6. Herbmayn225

    Do you mix cannabis with tobacco?

    5 bucks a pop in Louisiana if you shoot and turn them in to animal control, makes for a helluva weekend if you have a bow and a half dozen improves accuracy... 'Merica
  7. Herbmayn225

    First Timer- Rubbermaid Setup

    I just, like, really looked at that that, you went hard lol that's hella cool, I want one,makes me miss the stress free days of one or two in the corner of 1 room lmao
  8. Herbmayn225

    First Timer- Rubbermaid Setup

    Good idea on cutting intakes btw, may as well cut an exhaust as well
  9. Herbmayn225

    First Timer- Rubbermaid Setup

    What formula by grow more?? Aren't those the little crystals? I was curious about those, looks legit though, I like the little double stack, that's clever haha ;Mylar for stealth???? What's that mean? I. Know it's great for reflectivity.
  10. Herbmayn225

    HIGH PEOPLE ONLY:Blunt VS Bowl VS Bong !

    Blunts take a close enough second, satisfied with my answer
  11. Herbmayn225

    Legalization In Missouri

    Btw, I used to be around the Lexington area, then Columbia when I was at Mizzou, then Neosho-Carthage, reddddddneck, area right outside Joplin, insane, funny part of the country for so many people to be from, same time it doesn't surprise me haha
  12. Herbmayn225

    Legalization In Missouri

    Dang, the grass really is always greener on the other side haha, I'm stuck in the black (w)hole of week 4-5, it's never going to be readyyy!!'
  13. Herbmayn225

    Shrooming two days in a row.

    Semantics are important, most everything has a toxicity level, it'd take about 2 kilos to be lethal for a 200 I just ran through a quarter pound last month...the other guys are right, simply eat more next time . second that psilocybin is not poisonous...soooo cool school, get your...
  14. Herbmayn225

    Do you mix cannabis with tobacco?

    Do blunts count? :)
  15. Herbmayn225

    Help with dmt!!

    They're Grrrrrreat
  16. Herbmayn225

    Help with dmt!!

    Doesnt look like any that I've seen...nn is usually super yellow-orangish powder....5-Meo is white sometimes has that brownish tinge to it...either way, probably shouldn't smoke it if you're not certain, I've never seen it pressed either, but every body has their way of doin things, seems a...
  17. Herbmayn225

    Legalization In Missouri

    Now if only we could take 10 and write these same messages to our local senators! I'm good for 1 a week in three states haha
  18. Herbmayn225

    Snow Storm Ultra

    Nice! Thanks a lot
  19. Herbmayn225

    Snow Storm Ultra

    Says on the back "not a carbohydrate or sugar water based product, derived from potassium hydroxide...I went ahead and forgot about the foliar spray, not trying to experiment right now I guess lol
  20. Herbmayn225

    Legalization In Missouri

    I gotta buddy who's a cop, he told me once the police ain't worried about my 4 ounces(this was Oklahoma and extremely, not true, I don't recommend traveling with a quap in the Bible Belt) that 4 ounces is barely enough to get stoned...sometimes I think most of the otherside, truly, has no Idea...