Snow Storm Ultra


image.jpgAnyone ever use it??? Im in the middle of week 4 and was recommended this by the grow store guy, not much on RIU about it. He said before I start bulking up it's okay to do some foliar feedings, I've always thought that was taboo during flower, further reading is arguing otherwise, so if anybody knows about SSU or foliar feeding during flower phase, just in general, please post your expertise! Thanks to all


Well-Known Member
It'd be a lot cheaper to just buy potassium hydroxide flakes. It has an NPK rating of 0-0-83.9 which is way stronger than the 0-0-3 advertized on snow storm. Careful as potassium hydroxide is a strong base. Do not get it in your eyes or on your skin, etc. I also wouldn't foliar feed with this at any concentration.

Something like this:


View attachment 2999101Anyone ever use it??? Im in the middle of week 4 and was recommended this by the grow store guy, not much on RIU about it. He said before I start bulking up it's okay to do some foliar feedings, I've always thought that was taboo during flower, further reading is arguing otherwise, so if anybody knows about SSU or foliar feeding during flower phase, just in general, please post your expertise! Thanks to all


Nice, I picked some up because he hooked me up with a deal, roger that to the foliar feed, I really wasn't sure. That KOH sketches me out lol looking at the picture, how would I go about mixing that, I'd imagine small amounts amended to my medium?? Is it exothermic in water?? Might be above my game, I'm Interested though


Well-Known Member
Same way you'd use any other water soluble 0-0-83.9 nutrient. It's mainly used as pH up, but it's also very high in potassium.

I use a scale and add about 0.5-1g (a few small flakes) when needed. I add flakes directly to my DWC reservoir. I guess you do have to know something about chemistry to be safe using it.. It could turn you into soap if you're not careful!

I use dry salts and bases for all my nutrients, so having some KOH flakes around is essential. Dry is almost always cheaper.

Nice, I picked some up because he hooked me up with a deal, roger that to the foliar feed, I really wasn't sure. That KOH sketches me out lol looking at the picture, how would I go about mixing that, I'd imagine small amounts amended to my medium?? Is it exothermic in water?? Might be above my game, I'm Interested though


Well-Known Member
I'm actually curious, is Snow Storm made with potassium hydroxide or potassium sulfate? I wasn't able to find the ingredients, just that it's 0-0-3. I just couldn't imagine anyone recommending to foliar feed with KOH of any concentration.


Says on the back "not a carbohydrate or sugar water based product, derived from potassium hydroxide...I went ahead and forgot about the foliar spray, not trying to experiment right now I guess lol


Active Member
Foliar of ssu is fine up to about 3 weeks or so into flowering depending on strain. You will see results in a day or two after first application.