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  1. Immer

    How to Pollinate a Blackberry in 4 weeks flowering?

    tyvm for the answer, I got more happy :hump: really thanks :)
  2. Immer

    How to Pollinate a Blackberry in 4 weeks flowering?

    Hi Guys This is my second topic here, and I’d like to thank the answers for the previous topic. As I said, I’m from Brazilian Amazon and atm I’m working in Rio de Janeiro. U guys must know that, in brazil, cannabis is prohibited, grower here is 8 years in prison. For this reason, I never felt...
  3. Immer

    Little black bugs on my plant

    Great info, mate, I checked the website, great site. I noticed that they arrive abt 6am, and go disappearing around 8am, when the sun is stronger and reaches the entire plant.. when it's about 12pm i don't see any1 of them anymore, do you know if there's any relation between the time and this...
  4. Immer

    Little black bugs on my plant

    Hya guys! Everything went fine yesterday, after an entire day of fight with those thrips, [and after slap them a lot ^^ ] they vanished from the plant! Then this morning I saw more than 60 of them flying on my yard's wall, I found out that they're attracted to green color, the wall is all green...
  5. Immer

    Little black bugs on my plant

    Mate, really, really thank you for that info, I really ain't that careful, so I'm really thankful for this information.
  6. Immer

    Little black bugs on my plant

    Just adding: i found out what they are: THEY'RE THRIPS!!! Are they too harmful to the plants? Any specific solution? The strong pepper spray is the one for it? what do they cause on the plants/buds? do they slow flowering ??:idea: :leaf:
  7. Immer

    Little black bugs on my plant

    Thank's Stoner, really valid info, I'm gonna do it ASAP! Very appreciated. I'll return to the forum in a couple weeks w the results and sum pictures of the lady berry !:weed: One more question only: the plant can stay on the sun after I spray? Or is it better do do it b4 she goes to sleep?
  8. Immer

    Little black bugs on my plant

    that's what I'm doin' .. ty anyway
  9. Immer

    Little black bugs on my plant

    what do you think these may be?
  10. Immer

    Little black bugs on my plant

    i'll try this pepper spray then =]! Here, I got some better pics. of them:
  11. Immer

    Little black bugs on my plant

    those sprays is for use on the entire plant? do they harm them or just the bugs? also, any probs if they are sprayed on the flowers too? :leaf:
  12. Immer

    Little black bugs on my plant

    I'm gonna try and see if I can get better pics of them, brb
  13. Immer

    Little black bugs on my plant

    No, hermex, i don't have'em, nor the fly paper, I tried to reach the bug the max that I could, they're really small, so I posted what I could get of more visible on them, they're so small that they enter and walk around inside the flowers and sometimes they seem to be sucking on the leafs and...
  14. Immer

    Little black bugs on my plant

    Ty, Stoner, but.. on this size??!:!: do they harm the plant, is there anything I can do, or is not something to worry about? :leaf:
  15. Immer

    Little black bugs on my plant

    Hello guys, I'm new to the forum, already readed many threads here and other forums about some questions that I have about how to get rid of this insects. I even found, on the board-cannabis forum something related about it, but no specific solution for it. I'm now in 15 days flowering of my...