Little black bugs on my plant


New Member
Hello guys,
I'm new to the forum, already readed many threads here and other forums about some questions that I have about how to get rid of this insects. I even found, on the board-cannabis forum something related about it, but no specific solution for it.
I'm now in 15 days flowering of my blackberry cannabis, and from night to day appeared some tinny thin black bugs on it. One day there were 2 of them, one I killed, the other fell on soil and I removed the correspondent part of the soil. And then, next morning, there were more than 10 of them. I sprayed nicotine dissolved in water after that, and, for my surprise, after the solution dried on the leafs, a dozen more were there, in many parts, stem, leafs, flowers. They fly, have a thin tail like a micro scorpion, I don't have a good microscope to put the zoom'd image here, but I've got a little one that was enough for me to see this bug closely, it's black, has two white stripes on its antennas, moves quite fast and a little like a "snake" movement, it doesn't seem like a gnat fungus nor white flies. I've dealt with Leaf Miner Maggots a couple weeks ago, but it didn`t spread so I just removed the leafs that were affected and no bigger problems in the plant.
My grow is really modest, one plant only, for my personal use, and the light I use is sun light, the soil is basic, I feed it regularly with iguana juice grow/bloom and a little top bud org. fert. I try do raise it the most naturally way that I can, so when it's time to put her to sleep I put her in the dark. I've never used pesticides nor anything of the kind, the only thing that I used was this nicotine/water solution for being the most "organic" one that I could find, I don't know if the bugs were hided on the plant and got bothered due to nicotine and appeared, or if the nicotine didn't worked at all and they remained there and didn't gave a sh*t to it:?:
Here are some pics. of it:
little bugs.JPGlittle bugs2.JPG little bugs3.JPG
The plant looks healthy and ok, but from night to day these things triplicated their quantities all over it, they don't stay only beneath the leafs, they walk everywhere, fly around, I founded about 5 or 6 in the wall.
Any help and solutions would be really appreciated, thanks all since now.


New Member
Ty, Stoner, but.. on this size??!:!: do they harm the plant, is there anything I can do, or is not something to worry about?


Active Member
Any bugs are something to worry about in my opinion! Do you have hanging pest strips? Not fly paper, but those little white grates with yellow stuff inside of them? Sorry I can't ID the bug for you, but there will be many threads about bugs and solutions to treat for them...I was just reading one about using a pepper spray...check the outdoor growing thread.


New Member
No, hermex, i don't have'em, nor the fly paper, I tried to reach the bug the max that I could, they're really small, so I posted what I could get of more visible on them, they're so small that they enter and walk around inside the flowers and sometimes they seem to be sucking on the leafs and flower, some of them I removed with my fingers, and, believe me, I removed more than 20 already, they just appear more and more, this things appeared it's been 3 days and increased in number really fast, I'd already seen some of them around the yard, one here another there, but nothing on the plants, and then, this morning, i saw about 5 or 6 on the wall, and more than 10 in the plant, last night were about one or two on it, and i removed, so this morning, after killing many of them, I applied the nicotine/water solution, then, after this, appeared more than a dozen, I just checked the plant and removed two more, when I was taking pics of them I noticed that they fly, move wings quite fast [i was smashing them when I noticed]. I'm gonna try this pepper spray on them, but, does it hurts the plants or just the pesty bugs?? btw, i'm also checking the outdoor growing thread =)
Ty 4replyin':leaf:


Active Member
Ty, Stoner, but.. on this size??!:!: do they harm the plant, is there anything I can do, or is not something to worry about?
im not 100% they are grass hoppers/crickets but if they are they will eat ya plant im sure there will be something that will keep them away but looking at the 1st pic again im about 70% sure there crickets by the shape of them
try get a better pick if you can but if they have bigger legs at the back than the front then they will be crickets or grashoppers


Active Member
Any bugs are something to worry about in my opinion! Do you have hanging pest strips? Not fly paper, but those little white grates with yellow stuff inside of them? Sorry I can't ID the bug for you, but there will be many threads about bugs and solutions to treat for them...I was just reading one about using a pepper spray...check the outdoor growing thread.
i use cayenne peppers blend them up boil them for a bit in water strain then leave to cool and spray it keeps cats, dogs and slugs away, works really well in the wild on outdoor grows keeps most critters away apart from ants


New Member
those sprays is for use on the entire plant? do they harm them or just the bugs? also, any probs if they are sprayed on the flowers too?


Active Member
erm yeah most sprays are chemical baced some of them you cannot use after a few weeks of flower and yeah you spray the whole plant head to toe but i have used the pepper spray upto a week before harvist and not tasted or had any complaints its a natral organic repellent


New Member
im not 100% they are grass hoppers/crickets but if they are they will eat ya plant im sure there will be something that will keep them away but looking at the 1st pic again im about 70% sure there crickets by the shape of them
View attachment 2987468
try get a better pick if you can but if they have bigger legs at the back than the front then they will be crickets or grashoppers
i'll try this pepper spray then =]!
Here, I got some better pics. of them:
View attachment 2987473View attachment 2987474View attachment 2987475
what do you think these may be?


Well-Known Member
yes get the hotest pepper you can. dont boil it. simmer it for 20 min for each pepper 1 cup water. has to be a hot pepper one you cant eat straight unless you are used to super hot. make sure the water cools and strain out anything that would plug your sprayer and dont spray into the wind wear glasses and spray it good all over soil also. repeat every few days or after a rain. this works that is what i used outdoors. oh and dont touch the minced peppers with your hands


New Member
yes get the hotest pepper you can. dont boil it. simmer it for 20 min for each pepper 1 cup water. has to be a hot pepper one you cant eat straight unless you are used to super hot. make sure the water cools and strain out anything that would plug your sprayer and dont spray into the wind wear glasses and spray it good all over soil also. repeat every few days or after a rain. this works that is what i used outdoors. oh and dont touch the minced peppers with your hands
Thank's Stoner, really valid info, I'm gonna do it ASAP!
Very appreciated.
I'll return to the forum in a couple weeks w the results and sum pictures of the lady berry !:weed:
One more question only: the plant can stay on the sun after I spray? Or is it better do do it b4 she goes to sleep?


New Member
Just adding: i found out what they are: THEY'RE THRIPS!!! thrips1.jpg thrips2.jpg
Are they too harmful to the plants? Any specific solution? The strong pepper spray is the one for it? what do they cause on the plants/buds? do they slow flowering ??:idea:


Well-Known Member
Make sure you wear protective gloves and glasses.

I used to make my own Hot Sauce with Super Hot peppers.

that is till I rubbed my eyes about an hour after making the Sauce,
I had washed for 5 minutes to remove any Hot pepper juice from my hands.

I hit the Floor in Pain, I have been Maced by the Fuzz,
that was nothing compared to my own stupid move!

It took 4 hours of flushing my Eyes before I could put my glasses back on.

Blood vessels burst all over my eyes from the small amount of of Pepper Juice that my hand skin absorbed.


New Member
Make sure you wear protective gloves and glasses.

I used to make my own Hot Sauce with Super Hot peppers.

that is till I rubbed my eyes about an hour after making the Sauce,
I had washed for 5 minutes to remove any Hot pepper juice from my hands.

I hit the Floor in Pain, I have been Maced by the Fuzz,
that was nothing compared to my own stupid move!

It took 4 hours of flushing my Eyes before I could put my glasses back on.

Blood vessels burst all over my eyes from the small amount of of Pepper Juice that my hand skin absorbed.
Mate, really, really thank you for that info, I really ain't that careful, so I'm really thankful for this information.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Are they too harmful to the plants?
There are hundreds of varieties and many colours, but they all feed the same way: by scraping and rasping at tender leaf surfaces.

Most thrips move down into soil or other growing mediums to pupate.