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  1. Noobus

    Berry Ryder automatic flowering at 14cm??

    bump, anybody? :(
  2. Noobus

    Berry Ryder automatic flowering at 14cm??

    Hey my berry ryder has been in the same 18/6 light conditions in a hydroponic tent and is producing lots of white pistiles and actually has a scent already , im worried as this could of effected yield ten fold! Thanks for any help and suggestions. :)
  3. Noobus

    Mystery problem

  4. Noobus

    Mystery problem

    Iv discussed that issue i think it may be because iv added nutes ontop of pre-existing nutes in the soil? Shall I start watering with clean ph balanced water without nutes in for 2 or 3 weeks to fix that? its in its pre-flowering stage as quiet a few large white pistiles have emerged.
  5. Noobus

    Mystery problem

    Thanks man reading through now, although iv had a look at some guides and already posted the problem up before , it was concluded to be a magnesium issue but that still hasn't solved it! :(
  6. Noobus

    Mystery problem

    Hey , I thought it might be magnesium deficency , it should be getting everything it needs, 12 hours on 12 hours off a day ( has been interuptted many of times due to money, electric cut outs, timer didnt work ect but still grows fine and both are female's not herms still so i got lucky there )...
  7. Noobus

    New leaves are yellow! And its spread across all plants! HELP PLZ :(

    Hello, I use a 120x 120 x 200 hydroponic mylar tent A single desktop fan blowing air around the tent ( I have opened holes at the bottom of the tent and 1 at the top hoping this will help act as temporary ventalation until I can afford better. The room is always 70-80F tempreture and mabye...
  8. Noobus

    Getting very worried now! Please help?

    I read that you couldn't get nute burn off organic nutes which iv been feeding them? or is that wrong?
  9. Noobus

    Getting very worried now! Please help?

    Thanks for the reply! , yeh it is growing slow, but I was wondering is a soil change ( if possible ) or some better nutes/feeding routines would pick it up, its always been a healthy looking plant until the other day. :(
  10. Noobus

    Getting very worried now! Please help?

    Lets date this back to the beginning , just before I left my student house to return home for the festive period I noticed a small dark brown seed in my bag of buds, as a joke I planted it in my household plants pot. Before leaving the house I threw the plant outside for the bin-men to collect...
  11. Noobus

    Sapling head destroyed, chance of recovery?

    I know how to grow, its my mate doesnt know how to handle shit! lol accidents happen :P
  12. Noobus

    Sapling head destroyed, chance of recovery?

    Had a large cfl fall ontop of a sapling, the leaves where severely damaged and fell off, is there any chance of the stem reproducing branch's or leaves? Its held a green healthy tone and stands fairly upright. cheers
  13. Noobus

    Yellow tips and brown spots! HELP PLEASE! :(

    Thanks for the reply! can I ask what epsom does?
  14. Noobus

    Yellow tips and brown spots! HELP PLEASE! :(

    Hey its day 3 of my official set up and the plants are under two cfl lights 125W duel spectrum and 100w White spectrum alonside 14w LED blue and red lamp There planted in PH 6.0 soil mixed with miracle grow soil, I water them every two days with ph 6 water and dont feed nutrients as the soil...
  15. Noobus

    Dangers , risks of uploading, filming, talking about my set up/grow in the UK

    Hey people just wondering if you know how risky or how strict it is in the united kingdom about ordering seeds, lights, tents off online in the uk , also about uploading image's of my set up ? Thanks :)
  16. Noobus

    Sad droopy leaves that once loved the world!

    Hey thanks for the quick reply! , would you reccomend I stop watering it for several days extra then?
  17. Noobus

    Sad droopy leaves that once loved the world!

    Woke up today , check my girls and my main love has gone all sad and droopy! this has happened over the past 26-30 hours as before it was perky and happy! any clue's on to what this could be people? Some have said over-watering, but I might have a feeling its the weight of the leaves on the...
  18. Noobus

    HELP! my slow poorman's grow. ( Absolute noob )

    Thanks mate! I think Il go and save for some large CFl lights then! Do you have any opinions about my watering/nutes ? am I doing the right thing with them?