Sad droopy leaves that once loved the world!


Woke up today , check my girls and my main love has gone all sad and droopy! this has happened over the past 26-30 hours as before it was perky and happy! any clue's on to what this could be people? Some have said over-watering, but I might have a feeling its the weight of the leaves on the small stems mabye?

Any help or speculations would be usefull. It may be imporatant to add I havn't a clue about the PH levels of my soil, Iv been using aged tap water combined with rain water as I heard the tap water neautralized the acidic rain abit. I spray 5-6 average bottle sprays every 2-3 days, however it does get very hot in the make-shift growing box could this be a key factor? is anything actually wrong or is it just the type of strain mabye?

Too many questions lol :cry:



Hey thanks for the quick reply! , would you reccomend I stop watering it for several days extra then?


Hey thanks for the quick reply! , would you reccomend I stop watering it for several days extra then?

Just slow it down a bit, just experiment a bit. Healthy plant, just leaves are bit full of water - dont stress just cut back and monitor.


I was a bit lazy with my reply. I should add that you should really try and maintain PH level of 5.5 for inside hydro or 6.5 for outdoors. Grab a $10 test kit its well worth it.