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  1. C

    clones gone wrong

    These are the clones with about a week after the pictures i origionally posted. looking much better already. Thank you so so much for the advice. This is how they looked on sunday also have 2 seeds i grew pictured. the 4 on the left im not to sure what they are. they are the clones i...
  2. C

    clones gone wrong

    they are all starting to look alot better. will get some pics up when i get home. thank you for the help :)
  3. C

    clones gone wrong

    im not to sure any of that is new groth yet. will keep it on just water for the next few days and see how things look cheers
  4. C

    clones gone wrong

    Sunday i recieved some clones of someone growing hydrophonically. roots were not in soil or anything else just a water solution. I was told to just plant them and water them and they would be fine as he had done that a number of times before. i have the plagon bat mix. I give it some of the...
  5. C


    i have 4 seeds potted. 2 blue cheese, 1 big bang 2 and a free seed i got power africa. Geminating the power afterica did so much better and in the space of 2/3 days had a route popping out about 10/12mm so i potted it. The other 3 started showing after another 2 days or so. potted when they got...
  6. C

    first grow changed

    i will have a look into that one. cheers :)
  7. C

    first grow changed

    i will germinate it, in damp tissue (or thats the plan)
  8. C

    first grow changed

    Cheers guys. i have a 3ft tube light handy and also some cfls that i can borrow. would i still run it on say a 18/6 or would i be better on a 24/0 i will get some other soil over the weekend vostok. kermit, i ideally need to use the hid light as its what is generating the heat for me. mid day...
  9. C

    first grow changed

    I was planning on using clones from my friend but after looking at this plants they look dead or close to. so now i will be growing from seed, how ever not got enough research done on this yet. i have ordered blue cheese, but im guessing i can not use the equipment i bought from day 1...
  10. C

    Little pre grow cloning help please

    perfect thank you for the replies. thats that one out the window. one other way i was thinking would be wait untill they are big enough to take 2 cuttings of each, then start from 4 clones and dispose of the first 2?
  11. C

    Little pre grow cloning help please

    had a good look back though alot of pages on this but found nothing. i am about to start my first grow and a friend is giving me 2 clones to me started. I would like to pop 4 plants in for my first go. so can anyone tell me whats the soonest i could clone the clones i am being given and could i...
  12. C

    Welcome New Members!

    New to growing, been smoking my self for a number of years and have just decided to give this a go, save some money for my self in theory. im in the uk so will be keeping what i grow down plant wise but would love to get as much as i can of each plant. i have already got my self a 120x120x180...