clones gone wrong


New Member
Sunday i recieved some clones of someone growing hydrophonically. roots were not in soil or anything else just a water solution. I was told to just plant them and water them and they would be fine as he had done that a number of times before.

i have the plagon bat mix. I give it some of the hesi root complex in a 7ph water. I have them sat in a 120x120 tent with a 600w light system.

i noticed yellow spots and slight curling on leaves monday so i give the plants nothing but water 7ph. left for 2 days and checked again last night.
i tried to drop the ph to 6 allowing for soil ph and have just took a reading of the run off which is 7ph.

would you say these are to far gone or can they be saved?



Well-Known Member
They are save-able...
Forget the run off PH... don't even try to chase that rabbit.....
Just water with good water...
You might have mixed the soil too 'hot'...or not...
New growth looks fine...
You took the roots out of a hydro environment, and put them into an organic mix...
Yes, some roots will get over ferted and die...OOPS...
New growth looks ok... ride it out...
I predict you will be fine...


New Member
im not to sure any of that is new groth yet. will keep it on just water for the next few days and see how things look


bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
If they're still standing after the first day they're good. Now it's up to you and your gardening skills. I feel "like" Helen Chesnut:)


Well-Known Member
Just watch the new growth. They were pretty raggedy after havng to root so all that old vegitation will die but the new shoots are happy looking and should flourish.


Well-Known Member
Clean water and giver her some good 24 hour rest and start her on a new schedule. Trust me I just got pk ripper clone transplanted twice drilled into roots leaves ripped off and after 24 hours sleep lil root enhancer no nutes she's perked up stem is firm before and after one nights rest these aren't even worse photos



New Member
These are the clones with about a week after the pictures i origionally posted. looking much better already. Thank you so so much for the advice.


This is how they looked on sunday
also have 2 seeds i grew pictured.


the 4 on the left im not to sure what they are. they are the clones i got. will have to talk to the guy i got them off to find out.
the front right corner is a big bang 2 and the right rear one is a power africa which i got as a freebie