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  1. T

    Drug Test Help

    Ok, thanks. I might try that before my text but I'm also looking for ways to flush it out of my body before then. I don't plan on smoking till i pass by the way.
  2. T

    Drug Test Help

    Alright, so I don't have a scheduled drug test yet, but I have a feeling I will in about two weeks. What is the best way to go about detoxing my body? I'm about 5'10" 185 and I smoked probably 4 times last week. I've heard about GNC drinks and about Metamucil, but i'd be happy to spend the...
  3. T

    Plants not on a timer

    Gotcha, thanks. I'll get a timer but I was just making sure it wouldn't kill my production for now.
  4. T

    12/12 Cycle, I don't have a timer

    It's not that I can't get one, it's just that I haven't been using one and I'm wondering if there are negative effects. But thanks!
  5. T

    12/12 Cycle, I don't have a timer

    Will it be detrimental if I overdo the dark period some days? Will it take longer for them to bud when not on a strict cycle like that?
  6. T

    Can I do an 11 light 13 dark cycle?

    Will this harm the plants at all? Will it get them to bud quicker?
  7. T

    Plants not on a timer

    Ok, so my plants aren't on a timer but I'm doing the 12/12 cycle right now. I've been pretty accurate with switching at 12 hrs but sometimes I let it go a little longer in the dark. Is that ok as long as they don't get more than 12 hrs of light or is that detrimental to the plants ability to...