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  1. M

    1000w barebulb - cage diameter

    I am just about to put the cage in for a 1000w in a barebulb vertical grow. I just need to know what diameter cage you think i should go with. Details are below No cool tube - true vertical Barebulb plants will grow on the outside of the cage, and i will do my best to keep them growing on the...
  2. M

    2 x 600 w vertical scrog cage diameter

    Hi people. I have a simple question regarding a vertical scrog i am in the process of setting up I will be running 2 stacked 600ws, and need to know what size cage i should be running. This will be a true Barebulb without the use of cooltubes. Roughly what diameter cage would you guys use...
  3. M

    Maximum light in a 5 x 5 tent

    Thanks guys. Decided to run 2 600s. Only thing is no one mentioned is the diameter of the cage needed for 2 600s. What size cage do you think i would need? This is for a true barebulb, without a cool tube. Also please can you reply in diameter, and not radius\distance from plant to bulb...
  4. M

    Maximum light in a 5 x 5 tent

    Well this would be for winter only, and i am from the UK so i will be able to draw lots of cold air in. So as long as i can control temps you think that space would be ok? I was just worried about not having enough space to set up a scrog circualr with a 1000. Out of interest what would you...
  5. M

    Maximum light in a 5 x 5 tent

    Hello people. First off.. I am coming back to vertical growing! Sorry i cheated on you guys when i bought a reflector, but i have come crawling back.... Anyway I am just trying to figure out how much light i can run in a 5 x 5 x 7 tent. My setup would be a vertical cylindrical scrog and 2...
  6. M

    1x1000w hps or 1 600 + 1 400hps

    To be honest i am happy with the quality of the strain i grow already. Because i only do one grow a year Yield is the most important thing for me. Guess i should of asked if you think i will get the same yield with a 4 and 6, or a single 1000. Thanks people,
  7. M

    1x1000w hps or 1 600 + 1 400hps

    Very good answer and i like the idea. Any more ideas on the subject? Thanks for the reply mate
  8. M

    1x1000w hps or 1 600 + 1 400hps

    I really need some help regarding new lighting for my 4 x 4 tent. I currently use a 600w hps, and am happy with my grows so far, but am at the stage where i want to upgrade to 1000w, so my one grow a year actually lasts me a whole year! Here is my dilema. I was about to buy a single 1000w...
  9. M

    Dynasty - Blue Magoo BX2

    I am looking into buying the above strain, but would really like to hear from someone who has grown it. From what i can see this strain is near legendary, but a few areas on the plant are hard to find online.... Yield - How does this plant yield - This is quite important as i only do one grow...
  10. M

    800w (2 x 400w) bare bulb help!

    Anyone out there?
  11. M

    800w (2 x 400w) bare bulb help!

    I am going to be growing with 2 stacked 400w HPs bulbs in a 4 x 4 tent. I am going to make a circular vertical scrog, but I have now idea what the distance from the plants should be. These are bare bulbs, with no cool tubes, and a fan blowing up underneath. Any suggestions? I just want to...
  12. M

    1 1000w or a 600w and a 400w vert grow

    Thanks. I am really not about cool tubes, and its keeping temps up which I cant do so don't really need one. I have decided to do this. Get another 600w, and alternate the top and bottom one (maybe every few days) between 600 and 400 watts. If it gets too hot (which is VERY doubtful) I could...
  13. M

    1 1000w or a 600w and a 400w vert grow

    Anyone? Please? :)
  14. M

    1 1000w or a 600w and a 400w vert grow

    Hello people. I could really do with some help in regards to a new setup I have a 120 by 120 by 240 tent. I currently have a 600w Bare bulb in between 4 to 6 plants, and 2 140w LEDS on top. The LEDS are far too loud, and I cant keeps temps up now, so it would be a real struggle in the winter...
  15. M

    3600w vertical grow (multiple strains)

    Great diary mate. It cant always go perfect, but at least you have learned from it. I cant wait to start my 1000w vertical grow. You have taught me a lot
  16. M

    How pot size and veg time impacts the yield

    So You are saying my 6. litre pots will suffice? If so what Veg time do you think would do? By the way thanks for the help everyone. some very good answers
  17. M

    How pot size and veg time impacts the yield

    And its the exact same strain but starting from seeds again, not from clone. Thanks mate.
  18. M

    How pot size and veg time impacts the yield

    I don't really agree with that statement. They conform to laws set by nature, and gaining knowledge from others is the start of the experiment before putting anything into action. I just want ball park figures so I can go from there. Thanks for the positive and helpful answers from people who...
  19. M

    How pot size and veg time impacts the yield

    Hello people. I have a question in regards to how pot size and veg time impacts the yield. Basically last grow I did 6 plants, in 6.5 litre pots and vegged for exactly 5 weeks (from seed not clone) To get the same yield from the same strain from just 4 plants, what pot size and roughly how long...
  20. M

    Plant numbers for Bare bulb + LED grow

    Hello people. Quick question regarding a barebulb\vertical grow I am thinking about doing. i have a 600w and two 140w LEDS to utilise. Originally i wanted to put 6 plants in my 120 *120cm tent, but i am now considering only doing 2 plants with a 140w led at the top each plant. Do you think...