How pot size and veg time impacts the yield


Well-Known Member
Hello people.

I have a question in regards to how pot size and veg time impacts the yield.
Basically last grow I did 6 plants, in 6.5 litre pots and vegged for exactly 5 weeks (from seed not clone)
To get the same yield from the same strain from just 4 plants, what pot size and roughly how long would I have to veg them for?

My guess (and it is only a guess) would be to use 11 litre pots, and to veg for say 7 weeks, but to be honest that's just guess work.

Thanks for the help and if you need any more info from me let me know.

Update. New grow will be from seeds of the same strain. Not clones of the same strain.
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Well-Known Member
Same strain clones or from seed again, rm3 I stalking about a big yeild lol I think if you just want same yeild from clone going up to 5gal would be a great thing,if you can afford it I'd go with airpots, and 5 weeks up to 7 max you'll have same yeild, you do 5gal airports and veg9 weeks your going to yeild even better then your last, I'm ny opinion, if you have the space and the time go with rm3 shoot for more so it more cost efficient, we put a lot into this lets try to get as much of it back out:)


Well-Known Member
Plants don't work like that, they don't conform to mathematics. Experiment with it.
Yes/no you can make guesses but there's obviously soo many variables, from grow medium to lSt, or from topping to proper ph, when things are in check or go about roughly as good last time, and you dothe same thing topped same amount etc etc you can form estimated guesses to help use your six pant limit a little more to your advantage


Well-Known Member
Plants don't work like that, they don't conform to mathematics. Experiment with it.
I don't really agree with that statement. They conform to laws set by nature, and gaining knowledge from others is the start of the experiment before putting anything into action. I just want ball park figures so I can go from there.

Thanks for the positive and helpful answers from people who have actually tried to answer the question. Keep them coming.


Well-Known Member
Same strain clones or from seed again, rm3 I stalking about a big yeild lol I think if you just want same yeild from clone going up to 5gal would be a great thing,if you can afford it I'd go with airpots, and 5 weeks up to 7 max you'll have same yeild, you do 5gal airports and veg9 weeks your going to yeild even better then your last, I'm ny opinion, if you have the space and the time go with rm3 shoot for more so it more cost efficient, we put a lot into this lets try to get as much of it back out:)
And its the exact same strain but starting from seeds again, not from clone. Thanks mate.


Well-Known Member
Area size and light size will determine the most efficient number of plants. Go hydro if you want quicker growth and bigger yield from the same space


Well-Known Member
We have air pots,and stopped using them,instead we use 15 gallon nursery pots and leave a couple of inches of pot to soil at the top,this way we can add water to the plant and let it soak in.The air pots take too much time to water,as you have to add water a little bit at a time or it pours out the sides.
Tried smart pots to,too hard to move around and the soil seperates from the sides of the pot.
I found the roots in a square pot (9") are the best compared to round pots?we transplant to 5 gallon round and finish in 15 gallon nursery pots.
Veg time varies from seed or clone 60 days or so,flower time goes about 80-90 15 gallon...avg. yield goes 4oz dry


Well-Known Member
If you veg for too long in a small pot the plants will get a bit root bound and that will stifle your yield. General rule of thumb... you need 1 gal (4.5 ltr) of pot space for every month that your plant is growing. So...if you veg for 5 weeks and flowering takes 9 weeks total you have a total of 3.5 months = 3.5 gal pot (14 ltrs ish)

I veg for 8 weeks + 9 weeks flower and i use 7 gal (30ish ltr) pots.


Well-Known Member
Your question then is how to increase yield by 50% by adjusting pot size and veg times. An increase in veg times will give you a larger yield at harvest. But you can better those results by timely topping/FIMing. Lopping off the top of the plant will do more to improve yield. Best bet is do both - 2 more weeks vegging after you top them early (about 3 weeks in veg).

Pot adjustments will work if you go for pots that are wider than they are tall. Makes the plant grow wider.

Good luck, BigSteve.

Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
Larger pots dont necessarily mean larger yeilds.
I think its funny when people grow in massive pots.
I grew plants to 2ft in 1 gal pots and then flowered in 3 gals. Plants wud stretch to 3ft. Now i jus grow em to 1.5ft in 1 gals and flower. Plants stretch to 2ft but i can fit 3 times as many plants in the same space. So do the math. 1 3ft plant in a 3gal vs 3 2ft plants in 1gals... Im expecting much higher yeilds.
Seriously thou, Its hard to get rootbound. Ive left plants in to small of containers for sooo long due to lack of room to move them up. All that really happens is you have to water more which, imo, is never a bad thing... Jus more work >.<

Sir KK


Well-Known Member
Larger pots dont necessarily mean larger yeilds.
I think its funny when people grow in massive pots.
I grew plants to 2ft in 1 gal pots and then flowered in 3 gals. Plants wud stretch to 3ft. Now i jus grow em to 1.5ft in 1 gals and flower. Plants stretch to 2ft but i can fit 3 times as many plants in the same space. So do the math. 1 3ft plant in a 3gal vs 3 2ft plants in 1gals... Im expecting much higher yeilds.
Seriously thou, Its hard to get rootbound. Ive left plants in to small of containers for sooo long due to lack of room to move them up. All that really happens is you have to water more which, imo, is never a bad thing... Jus more work >.<

Sir KK
So You are saying my 6. litre pots will suffice?

If so what Veg time do you think would do?

By the way thanks for the help everyone. some very good answers

Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
So You are saying my 6. litre pots will suffice?

If so what Veg time do you think would do?
Yes. But i cudnt say how long to achieve the same yeild. There are many factors that cud effect yield besides just a longer veg. Id say jus experiement. Try vegging out the same strain for different lengths in the same pot size. Thats exactly what i do. Im growing the same strain in different styles and pots and training techniques to see what yields best.
So far, as ive said, bigger pots dont appear to be necesarrily better, but they do take up alot of space >.>

Ive also learned that yu can never have to much perlite :)

Sir KK