Search results

  1. farmerbob

    Compassion Club In Colorado!

    Herbologist doesn't post here because he was banned for puppet posting. I can refer you to Doctors all over the state but we have a cooperative in the Springs and can help you with a Doctor's recommendation for $150, providing your wife qualifies. It sounds like she does. Fax her records to...
  2. farmerbob

    Can a Job fire you?

    Not sure what state you're in but in Colorado there is NO protection regarding employment.
  3. farmerbob

    Starting A Dispensary -Colorado

    It's really not that hard. There is considerable startup cost, however, think about $20,000 not counting medicine. Right off the bat you should get a lawyer and accountant. Decide your business structure, i.e. non-profit, llc, sole-proprietorship, etc. Obtain Federal Employer ID #, also you...
  4. farmerbob

    Cannibis Dispensary In Colorado?

    You're right, D. I didn't mean to get snippy with ya. I was just surprised to see that from Jesse but I understand it's business.
  5. farmerbob

    Cannibis Dispensary In Colorado?

    Looks like The Healing Center snatched it when it expired. Look a little harder next time. You cant just take a trademark the day it expires and call it yours, it doesn't work that way. Here is the original trademark...
  6. farmerbob

    Both of you guys should call me... 719-442-6737. Ask for Farmer Bob.

    Both of you guys should call me... 719-442-6737. Ask for Farmer Bob.
  7. farmerbob

    Cannibis Dispensary In Colorado?

    You should check out our state registered Non-Profit Cooperative in Colorado Springs. The Highlands Cooperative (719-442-6737) has over 30 varieties of dried medication, over 20 varieties of clones, and the lowest prices in the state. We are open 7 days a week, 24/7 for our patients. You do...
  8. farmerbob

    Colorado med question

    Just wanted to thank you for your services austin. Sounds like you have a good thing going up there. If you want to send me your email address, I would be happy to refer people from your area to you. send me an email with your info if you are interested. [email protected]
  9. farmerbob

    Marijuana Causes Bad Stomach Problems, Etc.

    Please dont be offended but that is a ridiculous assumption. Something is going on inside your body and you are blaming it on marijuana?? It makes absolutely NO sense. Have you quit smoking and do you feel better? It seems if marijuana was the problem it would be a pretty EASY FIX, no?? Sort of...
  10. farmerbob

    Colorado med question while on probation

    It is a medical issue, determined by yor doctor. If the D.A. decides to clarify your medical use the judge will find there are no grounds to restrict you from a physician recommended medication, no more than he can restrict you from taking morphine if your doctor prescribed it (even if you were...
  11. farmerbob

    Marijuana Causes Bad Stomach Problems, Etc.

    Why are you saying your problem is a reaction to pot? You smoked for years, recently started having stomach problems. Take the colonoscopy because it's not the pot, as you will find out when you quit smoking it. A good idea is to try a raw food detox diet. Detoxify your body and cleanse your GI...
  12. farmerbob

    Colorado med question

    We have a compassionate physician in Colorado Springs that can help you sooner. She holds a clinic every two weeks and promotes ingestion by recommending higher plant counts. The next one will be in a week or so. Not only does she help new patients and renewals for $250, but she will write a...
  13. farmerbob

    Marijuana for medication can make you incapable?

    Though it's never happened to me from smoking, and I've smoked LOT'S at a single sitting before, I have been almost "incapable" from eating too much. The line between being medicated and being "incapable" is HUGE! There is almost NO chance of accidentally becoming "incapable" because only small...
  14. farmerbob

    Sorry fuhsi. Not sure I know what you mean by mom, but the organic produce I get. Sorry, that...

    Sorry fuhsi. Not sure I know what you mean by mom, but the organic produce I get. Sorry, that wouldnt be legal. Good luck on your upcoming vote on MMj! the day NJ goes legal i can refer you to a NJ dispensary that is set to open but me, personally, I cant help you without a Colorado MMj card...
  15. farmerbob

    MMJ experts needed, need some guidance....

    Are you kidding? How are we supposed to help you?? LOL! Every state is different, Doob! With the info you gave... um yeah, google search. come on... take a chance, tell us your state so we can help. You are seeking advice to treat an illness, or an injury, or pain that you have. If your...
  16. farmerbob

    mmj card in colorado

    what part of CO do you live in? you will need something more current for a DR to look at. PM me if you need a compassionate DR referral, or if you need a 3rd party DR to do a history for you.
  17. farmerbob

    testicular cancer, quaifying condition???

    I really hope you dont have cancer! good luck! you can definitely get a card with any type of cancer. Even if it turns out to jus be a pain in the balls you can get a card for chronic pain. Certain tests around the world are showing that THC actually kills cancer cells while leavng healthy...
  18. farmerbob

    About To Open A Dispensary In Denver. Need Help!

    Feel free to check out our dispensary in Colorado Springs. As long as you're a Caregiver or Patient you can come in look around. We are a non-profit cooperative so our model may not fit your plans but we can still help you with your questions. I also recommend Warren Edson and Brian Vicente...
  19. farmerbob

    Anyone have a list of Friendly Colorado Springs Clinics or Doctors ?

    We can help you with those questions. Give us a call, our office is in the Springs, 719-217-9581. Tell them FarmerBob sent you.