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  1. H

    Zong Bongs?

    Just wanted to bump this thread right quick cause this is an awesome seller I've ordered a few times from them with great results and I'm just about to order an authentic Zong.
  2. H

    Make some wine, and C02 at the same time!

    You can also use Welch's grape juice, the 100% stuff. Or you can find grape concentrate, that works pretty good too.
  3. H

    FIRE!! burnin down the house

    No worries, just be sure to check all of your electrical points, any place that electricity would come to an "end" so to speak, be sure it's covered. Sparks are really your only concern.
  4. H

    It burns when I smoke...

    That's where I was going with the thread title. I'm totally gonna drop a little in some water for a few days and then dry it out and give it a shot. Thanks for the help guys I'll hit ya back if it doesn't work.
  5. H

    It burns when I smoke...

    THEORY!: So I'm right in the middle of grinding it all out. I want to grind it out and leave it with some orange peels to see if it's a moisture issue. However, this stuff is really seedy I mean bad. I'm wondering if all of the male pollen on the plant might be activating my allergys as while I...
  6. H

    It burns when I smoke...

    I read about that. I don't want it to have no taste, and that doesn't mean it's going to take away the harsh burn. I have read that this may be due to the bud being to dry. Any thoughts?
  7. H

    It burns when I smoke...

    Damn. So I'm between grows and had to buy. It's super dry round here and the shit I found literally looks more like tree bark than buds. Anyways, the shit makes my throat burn when I smoke it. I've tried every way possible, aside from vap, can't afford one. I don't want to eat it cause thats...
  8. H

    How many people know about your grow?

    Not counting family as I don't think that should count, 2, but they also grow.
  9. H

    My Plant is dying !

    I'd say cut down that cup or transplant into something that doesn't have walls like that, I think it may not be getting enough light. What are you using for light?
  10. H


    I second that motion. Exact same things with my CFL grows. No sweat, just move the lights back a bit and your golden.
  11. H

    Going organic... something to think about

    I don't really have to much to say on this topic of raw food aside from. I recall watching an episode of Wife Swap, I found a clip of the episode (, and I recall a part of the episode where they take them to the doctor....or...
  12. H

    best strain to help w Anxiety ?

    I am of no help right now, but the strain I have now, is making it worse, I feel your pain man and look forward to an answer.
  13. H

    Attention irish growers

    Not from Ireland myself, but, I fequent Moate and Dublin, so, big ups to any Ireland growers. Edit: My bad if your from northern Ireland.
  14. H

    Did I harvest too early or what guys? Pics

    Brick Top +rep both last posts have been huge!
  15. H


    Oh man Drew Carey! I always knew he smoked...
  16. H

    My First Grow Himalayan week later??

    Damn the forums have been rough lately.... Advice: cut back on the nutes a little, get rid of the christmas lights, and I'd say your good to go for both flowering then cloning.
  17. H

    Sex Help!

    That'd be some pimp shit man. Sadly I don't think I will plant a new one.... time to go hydro
  18. H

    Sex Help!

    Thank you for the help guys, much appreciated.... time to start over....
  19. H

    Sex Help!

    So, we have a herm, fuck. Anything I can do with it? Short of, just pulling out of the pot and starting all over?
  20. H

    Sex Help!

    little bump for a little help. I have to leave on vacation shortly and would like an answer before then. thank you for any help guys!