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  1. adrew420

    My plants went from beautiful to sick in a matter of days

    LOLOL...this post is hilarious!
  2. adrew420

    bodhi seeds

    hey Amos. When you flush with water only. Do you adjust the ph of the water to the 5.5 - 6.5 range, or is that not necessary? I know the plant should ripen using the nutes that are already in the stems and leaves, but not sure what to do with the water.
  3. adrew420

    Plant looking unhappy, some burning and drooping

    ohhh..i your nute solution make sure the ph is between 5.5 to 6.5...this is curcial as this will prevent the nute lockout. hehe...dont know how i left that out. good luck dude!
  4. adrew420

    Plant looking unhappy, some burning and drooping

    hmmm....i have been looking at your pics...and i must first say that i am not a soil grower but i am assuming that the plant would exhibit the same symptoms regardless of medium type. It appears that u have not only brown spots but also yellowing of lower as well as upper leaves. These are...
  5. adrew420

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Hey fellow stoners! I am posting here because....i forgot....ahhh right...i am new! Hope i can pass on some information and receive some good info myself.
  6. adrew420

    Spots on leaves getting worse. Please Help**

    From the pics it seems that your plant is deficient of calcium. If using bottled water then this would explain the deficiency as bottled water typically has these elements removed. Adding Cal-Mag should help alleviate this deficiency.