Plant looking unhappy, some burning and drooping


Hey guys I think my plant is sick and I help!

I am using 4 5000k CFLS and I water her once every 4-5 days along with nutes every other time I water her. This is a closet grow, there's a fan on the floor and the door is cracked for circulation.

She has brown spots on some of the leaves, and burns on the edges. The main stem of the plant is reddish purple and some leaves have fallen off and died. I have had to cut a few off as well that were dead.

I got her as a clone 2 months ago from my friend and he gave me the same nutes he uses for his plants.

The strain is violator kush, if anybody has any feedback on any of these symptoms or courses of action I should take, please leave it here
Thank you for your time
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Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Hey guys I think my plant is sick and I help!

I am using 4 5000k CFLS and I water her once every 4-5 days along with nutes every other time I water her. This is a closet grow, there's a fan on the floor and the door is cracked for circulation.

She has brown spots on some of the leaves, and burns on the edges. The main stem of the plant is reddish purple and some leaves have fallen off and died. I have had to cut a few off as well that were dead.

I got her as a clone 2 months ago from my friend and he gave me the same nutes he uses for his plants.

The strain is violator kush, if anybody has any feedback on any of these symptoms or courses of action I should take, please leave it here
Thank you for your time
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cut back on the fertilizer concentration, water when the pot feels light rather than on a schedule. if she isnt drinking it all youll only be causing problems

most good quality soils dont need much fertlizer until months into vegetation.


Well-Known Member
Yup nute burn I'd just water with plain water the next 2-3 waterings and cut to about 1/4 to 1/2 recommended strength. Good luck


New Member
hmmm....i have been looking at your pics...and i must first say that i am not a soil grower but i am assuming that the plant would exhibit the same symptoms regardless of medium type. It appears that u have not only brown spots but also yellowing of lower as well as upper leaves. These are usually the symptoms of a plant that is deficient in Nitrogen. The fact that your stems are also that red i dont think its strain related. u said ur using i suspect that its not a lack of nitrogen in the soil. So this leaves only two other other possible culprits: nutrient lockout or not enough light. To eliminate the lockout you would need to flush your medium and water with a low nutrient concentration solution, i would suggest no more than 600 ppms if using RO water to make your solution. If using tap water check ppms and adjust accordingly. If using RO u may want to add a bit of cal-mag..this depends on your soil make up. And for the light deficiency, CFLs dont provide as much lumens as MH, so you want to position then really close to your plant. 4-6 inches would be ideal and adjust as the plant grows. Well thats my 2 cents, good luck!


New Member
ohhh..i your nute solution make sure the ph is between 5.5 to 6.5...this is curcial as this will prevent the nute lockout. hehe...dont know how i left that out. good luck dude!


Thanks for the replies, im not too sure about whats in my nutes as it is an in-house mix from a local hydro store, and the guy who gave me the clone has been using these nutes on his plants and they have been working fine. I have been unable to find a pH meter or litmus paper, and being a broke college student with a new semester just starting, i really dont have any extra money to get these things so I'm not really able to get these things.
But I will do the suggested 2-3 waterings with just water and hopefully she'll perk up.
Thanks guys.