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  1. Z

    Clueless and offering a reward for help

    The second picture is kinda hard to see, but wow they are quite small. The soil looks quite heavy by that I mean, it doesn't look like there is much aeration.(perlite) Which combined with over feeding like you said, then flushing would cause a fair amount of stress and the soil is or looks heavy...
  2. Z

    traveling with meds??

    Touché, temporary memory lapse. I forgot Hawaii is actually a state within the U.S , It certainly has been awhile since I've thought about Hawaii actually belonging to the U.S. (I'm not from the US). Regardless, I'd still try and find some in Hawaii hah.
  3. Z

    traveling with meds??

    I would strongly suggest against it, especially if you'd think hiding it inside something in your bag would help. You may or may not already know but surprisingly Marijuana is a class 1 narcotic, It's classed with heroin and cocaine in terms of how addictive it can become "says the government"...
  4. Z

    It's a little strange, I think.

    I have 3 plants outside first time ever trying to grow outside. They were all started inside under fluorescent lights and later transitioned to outside. They are all confirmed female 100% I'm in the northern hemisphere and according to the internet and generally just paying attention we get...
  5. Z

    Any idea what it is? Some bug

    Sorry. Try that if the other doesn't work.
  6. Z

    Any idea what it is? Some bug

    This was originally posted in the sub forum bugs, but not too many people seem to go there. We're also out doors. It looks like some type of leaf hopper but I'm not sure. Any ideas?
  7. Z

    What is this? Some type of leafhopper?

    Any idea, I looked at the spot he was on after it left and there as no visible damage yet. Looks almost like a leafhopper sort of, 3/4ths of a cm long approximately. 2-3mm wide
  8. Z

    IT'S STILL DYING! Please help, it only has a few days left!

    You can't even pollinate a plant that isn't at sexual maturity.
  9. Z

    flowering promble

    Pictures of the whole plant would still help tremendously. It does look like potassium def, but I don't believe it. Even looking at those pictures, the inside of the leaves are still quite green in those pictures. Where as yours looks to be more fading away completely to yellow. The middle...
  10. Z

    flowering promble

    I see a few fan leaves in there that are yellow you got a lot of leaves like that? Maybe some more pictures of the whole plant? Just looks like natural flowering losing some bottom leaves.
  11. Z

    IT'S STILL DYING! Please help, it only has a few days left!

    Good luck getting seeds with one plant. I know you can't start over as you've said many times. As everyone has said above though, your roots are probably destroyed your plant looks like it's eating itself for food, roots destroyed, not enough food, who knows? No details. Some of your leaves are...
  12. Z

    3 plant 600w coco grow

    The plants are done when they tell you they're done in your environment. People get too hung up on a number, just chill and check her every day when you think it's gettin close man.
  13. Z

    couple of days

    Need a better picture of it, almost looks like the tap root grew up instead of down.
  14. Z

    Care to have a look at my little gal?

    She is going to be put into a 20gal pot within a few days hopefully she'll triple in size, then triple again in flower ahah. She is being trained a little while I have the chance in this bucket. She currently stands about 20" tall with a diameter of 26-28" What's everyone think
  15. Z

    How many tines to you transplant +rep

    I like either 1" or 2" jiffy cup into 1gal into 5gal into 20gal so 4? I guess, complete preference though.
  16. Z

    Anyone know anything about "Whirligig mites"?

    I found one of these little guys in my garden on my basil plant so I went looking and they're apparently called Whirligig mites the thing is lightning fast for it's size only about 1 1/2 mm across anyone know more about these things? I've seen it eat some mosquito gnat looking thing under the...
  17. Z

    Outdoor issue. Slugs trying to eat my plants.

    I honestly couldn't say exactly how much you need, any will help I prefer about an inch covering the ground, as I have quite the quantity of sand at my disposal... endless amounts. I never really had to bother trying with light layers, my plants might as well be on a beach. Eh I also live in...
  18. Z

    Outdoor issue. Slugs trying to eat my plants.

    Yeah it dries them out pretty fast and on a microscopic level most sand is actually really sharp which the slugs hate.
  19. Z

    Outdoor issue. Slugs trying to eat my plants.

    Yeah we have a lot of slugs up here as well if you can get your hands on some sand and put it on the ground then put your pots on the sand they cant even get near them because of the sand.
  20. Z


    I didn't get through it all, Get a smaller container to start with, brown jiffy cup or a red party cup/solo cup as people call it. Get a better soil you don't even know what's in your soil, I have no clue where it came from-what's in it-nothing about it. It has no perlite that I can see of any...